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Gary Stitely
gamer level 8
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Review 5 games and receive a total of 140 positive review ratings.

Gamer - Level 8
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7 Wonders
7 wonders is a game for 2-7 players. Each turn you can play one card then pass the cards to your neighbor. This makes you not only decide which card is best for you, but makes you think which card you don’t want the next player to have. You build resource cards early so you can use them to build other, more advanced cards later. You score points at end game based on military, science, guilds, marketplaces, money, rescoure cards, etc. Personally i love when a game has many ways to win, this makes each game very different from the last. You can change your strategy each game or hone one startegy untill your game group starts blocking you. The two player version plays different from the 3-7 player game but is equally enjoyable.Two expansions await.