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gamer level 8
30941 xp
30941 xp
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Amateur Reviewer
Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.
Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.

Rosetta Stone
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »

Mask of Agamemnon
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »

Explorer - Level 5
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
395 xp
395 xp
Explorer (lvl 5)
4236 xp
4236 xp
Professor (lvl 3)
927 xp
927 xp
Reporter (lvl 2)
654 xp
654 xp
About Me
My Top 10:
Railways of the World, D&D, Battlestations!, Memoir '44, Galaxy Trucker, War of the Ring, Subbutteo, Cosmic Encounter, Ticket To Ride, & Crokinole.
Helped found the NW Indiana (USA) Boardgamers' Association (NWIBGA) in May 2011.
(we have a fb group & BGG guild, too)
Galaxy Trucker
Nothing really new to say, but we’ve been having a lot of fun lately since the Missions expansion came out and I felt like promoting and piling on.
One of the most fun gaming experiences with every sitting.
The new Missions expansion has re-energized our group for this chaos game.
The first part is an enjoyable exercise in building and planning. the speed element adds tension and can fluster some folk.
The 2nd half, the Flight, is always a chaotic, often hysterical race to see who’s carefully constructed starship will be blown to smithereens the least/best. But it isn’t just a sit-back-and-let-the-fates-whack-you-with-adventure-cards thing. There are important decisions to be made at every turn (whether to sacrifice crew or wait, to land for cargo or race to front, spend the batteries now or save for later, etc).
And when the USS Enterprise-shaped ship has it’s single connector neck piece obliterated by Sabotage or the Pirates’ lasers, leaving that player to decide which half of their ship to leave behind, their opponents will always moan in sympathy (or raucous laughter and high-fives, the schadenfreude is real).
Approached with a light heart and good sense of humor (and expectation of losing, perhaps spectacularly) and this Vlaada game is tough to beat for an hour or two of ridiculous fun!