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I Got What I Wanted
Add a game to your Owned list that was previously in your Wish list.
Add a game to your Owned list that was previously in your Wish list.

Explorer - Level 1
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests

Judge - Level 1
You be the judge! Demo a game at Gen Con. List of participating publishers »
You be the judge! Demo a game at Gen Con. List of participating publishers »

Novice Grader
Grade 20 more reviews or tips by clicking "Yes" or "No" in response to the question "Was this helpful?"
Grade 20 more reviews or tips by clicking "Yes" or "No" in response to the question "Was this helpful?"
Zombie Dice
This game is extremely easy to teach to anyone and fun to help fill in the gaps between the bigger games. I wouldn’t say it is not a real game, it’s just quick, fun, and easy. It is easy to get bored with this game with multiple play throughs in a row but great to go back to over time. I would recommend this game to anyone that doesn’t have a good filler game yet and to anyone who is looking for a fast game to bust out before the big boys.