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Pathfinder: Core Rulebook
I am a boardgamer at heart, as I have made board games a serious hobby for the last 30 years, but have not played any RPG’s in almost 20 years. My experience with Pathfinder at a recent gaming convention is causing me to reconsider. I’ve tried D&D and many other role-playing games and never cared much for them after the first adventure. For several reasons, I found Pathfinder to be a much different experience. I wanted to try this game based on the glowing reviews I read on boardgaming.com. For me, this game lived up to the hype and I was not disappointed. I can’t wait to play Pathfinder again.
While the theme of the game is far from original, there are plenty of nuances in the game to set it apart – in a good way – from the competition. The player classes give you great options and it is easy to customize your character. You can choose to represent different factions (which each have their own agendas) which opens up the opportunity for bonus prestige points. The prestige point mechanism is a superior alternative to the clunky, number-crunching experience point mechanism found in other RPG’s.
Pathfinder in general makes the game about the story, the characters, and player interaction which has a strong appeal to a boardgamer like me. It’s not so heavy on the die-rolling and most die rolls are based on a d20 roll with one or two modifiers that are easy to keep track of. As a boardgamer, I have no interest in carrying around several tomes of rules, bestiaries and other nonsense in order to participate. I had the luxury of good GM’s and a couple of experienced Pathfinders to help remind me what dice to roll for my spells and damage. All you need to have fun with this game is a set of dice, pencil, paper and your imagination.
I can’t say enough good things about this game. I would strongly recommend it, even for people like me who normally steer clear of RPG’s.