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Star Trek: Fleet Captains
I will start off by saying that I really enjoyed playing this game. I’ve only ever played the three player variant with Romulans and Dominion included rather than the base game in its pure form but everything I have to say should hold true.
Firstly – the game has great atmosphere and seems to replicate the feel of the setting very well indeed. The factions all seem unique and the game makes every effort to recreate the feel of them with unique ships, command cards, quest balances etc.
It plays fairly fast although is slowed down by having to pick carefully over the rules which are fairly unclear in a number of places. It is also a great deal of fun with there never being a point where anyone in the games we played felt like a hopeless underdog or a run-away victor.
The issue is related to that last benefit. A lot of that variation in being able to rise of fall is due to the randomness of the game. Encounters, in particular, vary pretty much between more or less randomly advancing you towards victory or completely crippling a ship. The quest cards have a similar problem in that some of them seem night on impossible to complete and others are likely to be already complete at the point you gain them.
This high degree of random chance does leave you with a feeling that your tactical and strategic decisions are somewhat diminished. On the other hand it offers sufficient variability that it makes each game feel significantly different to the last.