Cutthroat Caverns: Relics and Ruin
The critically acclaimed game of dungeon delving, kill-stealing and cooperative - backstabbing becomes even more challenging with the inclusion of a NEW game mechanic, an Event Deck that makes even the most familiar Encounters new again. And mixed among the Events are ways to earn powerful new Relics that confer game changing abilities upon their owners.
Plus, this set includes 15 of the deadliest creatures yet. Can you resist the lure of a 14-card hand? Will you succumb to the PVP inducing effects of Voodoo? Or will you become a horrific beast yourself in the final moments and turn on your companions?
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Relics & Ruin is an important expansion to Cutthroat Caverns, in that it adds two mechanics to the game that, had they been thought of sooner, would have been part of the base game.
Now that the game boasts over 100 unique Encounters, there is plenty to keep the game fresh and exciting… BUT the addition of the Event deck means that even playing the same Encounter may be vastly different from game to game, making each outing a whole new game of challenges. An event is revealed with each encounter and, if it lists the current round of play you are in, the event activates – making the encounter a lot more difficult usually. And because we made the game harder, we also added Treasure Events. These are events that set up a condition by which powerful Relics are earned.
Unlike the Items in the base game, Relics are not used up and removed from the game. They create ongoing benefits for those who can earn them, giving players game-changing abilities for the rest of the game.
And – Relics and Ruin (and Tombs & Tomes) both increased the deadliness of the encounters a significant degree.
Each expansion brings a lot to the game play experience, but Relics & Ruin was the first to dramatically change the game – for the better!