Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

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Top Upcoming Games on kickstarter: If you’re a fan of a kickstarter game and it’s been added to our site, you can help it move up in the popularity list by visiting its game page, giving it hearts and clicking the “Want it” button!
Greetings all! I love to see Hoplomachus mentioned a few times 🙂 For I am one of the designers. I am attempting to add the game to this database now. Send us a PM via KS if you ever have questions Granny, we’d love to have you on board!
Same for the rest of you!
****** Hai! I didn’t need to know about Millennium Blades yet.I already have a ton of backed plastic and cardboard eating at my bank account. Level 99 keeps turning out games that must be laced with heroin, because I get the shakes when I see that green and red logo…
…also backing:
Best Treehouse
One Night
Orcs Must Die
All 3 Treasure Chests
and Titans (not sure this one is going to make it)
I need to shrink this list…but not sure how. I got time. They make the green “Back This Project” button so big.
Millenium Blades has launched! And that’s all anyone need worry about for 30 days 🙂
Oh and…pssst…Apocrypha cause, yeah, that too.
I am not one for the horror/zombie/Cthulu/apocalypse family of themes, but your interest in Posthuman caught my attention, and looking it over, I would totally back this game (if I had the available funds and the approval of the wife to purchase yet more games)! A very cool iteration of a familiar theme, and very cool artwork/components. I’d play this.
@Taxtu I have found on occasion during Kickstarter Hotness (Feb-May and Sept-Early November) when the number of tempting games eclipses the budget and need for food that a follow pledge and a sincere note during the final week or Final 48 that you really wish to support the game but just can’t at this time can be helpful. Game Designers understand the addiction. 🙂 I have been able to jump on a Pledge Manager or made an arrangement for a Paypal pledge later in the game during the slower summer months for something I really found worth supporting because I expressed interest during the campaign and laid groundwork and didn’t come across as some bandwagon jumper who is trying to get a loaded pledge on the cheap as things go to production and become a hot topic months and months after the fact.
Really want to get into something, but it is quite overwhelming… My budget forces me to hope some late pledges… or being positive to wait for new campaings next months, in sadness of seeing that lot of gorgeous games… unless i win some lottery :_(
Backing on Posthuman and Raiders of the North Sea.
One sort of sad decision for me this week was Wizard’s Academy. I was circling that like a raven from the start. It had an interesting campaign and I really liked some of the fresh mechanics such as the spell grid it brought to the idea of co-op. But the price point – eep – mostly because of minis I see no point to beyond placeholders. This could have been a $40 game with nice cardstock and cardboard and some standees and I would have not thought twice – but plastic surgery pushed it to $80 and then over $100 to grab two extra playing pieces and I couldn’t justify it. 🙁 Mayhaps I can track it down when I have more money and it has less competition. It makes me sad because I really, really, found it interesting.
And while I was waiting for tomorrow and Millenium Blades to do a Kickstarter fly-by, I just noticed Planet Mercenary up there. Howard Tayler is a genius story weaver I admire greatly and he gets plenty of my money for a new Schlock Mercenary trade collection every time one releases thanks to my can’t-read-web-comics-on-the-web OCD quirk. I enjoy reading RPG cores and sourcebooks in bed (most anarchistic RPGer ever but fluffy descriptors breed interest and stats induce sleep). I passed on recent Bulldogs even though it seemed like a smashing pulpy read. But Schlock I will lob pledginess at like napalm antiseptic for my Sister in Paneldom: Elf.
Kickstarter is playing a game of cat and mouse with my pocketbook this month as I try and be sensible and gently lob money at the monitor rather than outright toss it.
Posthuman is a definite in and a sure bet. I was in on Day One and it is just stretchy with all sorts of stretchy goodness now.
Best Tree House Ever was a button push tonight. It was too Niece-worthy to pass up. And too cute to not want for myself. 🙂
Apocrypha yes, Yes, and YES! Love Pathfinder ACG and if it builds up with chapter packs this little side step in card RPG will be both magically delicious and price point nutritious. And Liz Spain, former Frog of Flighter (recently of Team Pathfinder of Paizo)and occasional zombiegirl has great hats – I need to discuss hats with her.
And as Millenium Blades launches tomorrow(ish) that’s going to Kick me right in the Start and take my money please.
As for The Boy with finger to Psychic Turban I predict he is backing Car Wars Arena and Norsaga – will be backing Boss Monster II (not a game I really dig) and is dancing a dance in his head about Orc must Die! even if I have been planting seeds in his head that it seems a whole lot of pretty with so-so gaminess. He already had Ghostbusters to fill that quota.
The only Wishlist maybe is:Evolution which I fenced the first time around but have seen out and about and think it is a nice slice of jib and emptying deep pockets elsewhere Titans of Gaming is a bit out of reach, but seems to be falling a bit victim to its own etherealness.
As a big fan of The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, I am very excited by the idea of Apocrypha. It looks awesome!
Although not a game, these components work well with games:
Super excited to be backing The Sibling Trouble – the game looks super fun and the creator is an amazingly positive member of the boardgaming community. Highly recommend you check it out.
Wizards Academy seems to have gotten a nice jump – last time I looked at it, they were struggling. Good for them!
One Night Resistance is a curious mix, although one I do not feel I need – perfectly happy with the regular Resistance 🙂
Is it me, or do the box and character cards of Battleborn Legacy look a bit like those of Defenders of the Realm..?
The components (especially the board) for Raider of the North Sea are gorgeous.