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Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »

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This week’s Explorable Favorites (Dec 8)
My family has played the first three scenarios for Robinson Crusoe and loved it. The first was tough because of the learning curve, but the game seems to go much quicker now that we have the rules under our belts. There are a lot of rules to keep track of, but the round sequence makes sense after playing the game once.
We did have an issue with the rulebook having rules for specific game situations spread throughout its pages. We ended up making side-missions out of hunting the book for them as we played.
It was mentioned before that some of the game pieces seem cheap compared to others, and this is true. Some scenarios use pieces for different jobs, and that gets confusing as well.
Overall, a great game. Worth learning to play and getting a good storyline for hours of fun!
And Castle Panic is a favorite for my nieces, but we haven’t seen the expansion yet. Maybe for Christmas?