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The Multiverse Goes Multiplatform!

Posted by HaiKulture {Avid Gamer} | 13-Oct-14 | 18 comments


Handelabra Games, spearheader of one of the finest randomizer/hit point tracker/fiddley-bit reducers in all the known Multiverse – The Sentinel Sidekick – has some big news for the Sentinel Lovers of

And we do love our Sentinels at the BGdot.

Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Video Game

Coming October 15th, 2014 for Android tablets & iPad.

Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Video Game is a 100% faithful translation of the card game, and will include all content from the Sentinels of the Multiverse Enhanced Edition.

Sentinels of the Multiverse on iPad

Prepare to have your whistles wetter than Tempest in a talent show:

  • 10 Heroes: Absolute Zero, Bunker, Fanatic, Haka, Legacy, Ra, Tachyon, Tempest, The Visionary, & The Wraith
  • 4 Villains: Baron Blade, Citizen Dawn, Grand Warlord Voss, & Omnitron
  • 4 Environments: Insula Primalis, Megalopolis, Ruins of Atlantis, and Wagner Mars Base
  • Original 3D environment backdrops β€” play across beautiful yet perilous environments.
  • Expansions will be available as DLC in the future: Rook City, Infernal Relics, Shattered Timelines, Wrath of the Cosmos, Vengeance, and more.
  • Play against your friends on the same tablet with pass & play, or go it alone in solo mode. (Future updates to feature network multiplayer)

Sentinels of the Multiverse has long been a Top Cape on the tabletop. Handelabra Games has long had the blessing of the Greater than Guys to create a multiplatformed Multiverse. With its birth in co-op vs. card AI gameplay, Sentinels has always seemed a natural for digital translation. Jeremy Handel saw the potential in Sentinels for Tablet-topping and appreciates the fact that “with great potential, comes great responsibility” for keeping it faithful.

“The idea of ‘playing a comic book’ is already present in the tabletop game. In digital, there’s even less manual bookkeeping to break the immersion so it takes that idea and really pushes it that much further.”

What better way to practice the slick nuances of Absolute Zero for the coming weekend or avoid the tall order of three-handed solo play? The moment has always seemed prepared for and now it is nigh.

Any Sentinel Lover knows the Multiverse is not without its secrets and digitals are not without their secret ‘unlocks’. Sentinels Digital will be no exception with secrets unlocked during gameplay. (Handelabra chose to remain rather hush-hush prior to release – no matter how much Dark Visionary mojo I threw at them…but perhaps, just perhaps I heard the Wraith like whispers about the potential of alternative/promo character versions in the mix ;))

Tachyon promo card

And speaking of secrets…

Handelabra will be offering a super hard-to-get (I’m sure you’ve heard of ‘Young Legacy’) real-life exclusive promo card to the first 5,000 who buy the game. The Super Scientific Tachyon! As they put it: “No matter where you live. Anywhere in the world. If you can live there, we can send it there.” Just thought I’d let you know.

’nuff said. πŸ˜‰

Sentinels prepare to ‘ssemble! (at your friendly neighborhood App Store, Google Play Store, & Amazon Appstore for Android)

handelabra games

Handelabra Studio was formed in 2009 to explore the brand new world of mobile software. You may be familiar with our apps like RE.minder, Couplett or Sentinels Sidekick. But after we made our first real game – Uncle Slam – we simply knew that gaming was the future for us. So in the summer of 2013, we began to reorganize the company around a new gaming-only wing, dubbed Handelabra Games

Handelabra on twitter | facebook

Comments (18)

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Veteran Grader

I grabbed a copy of the game…but found out that my Kindle is too old to run it. This makes me very sad. Silver lining: I think I know what I need to put on my Christmas wish list now other than just board games. πŸ™‚

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@coltsfan76, Done! Here’s the link to the game page for the Sentinels digital version:
Sentinels of the Multiverse – digital >

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I play blue
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Is this getting a game entry dedicated to the digital edition? I need to start recording my plays. Addicting!

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Sentinels of the Multiverse Enhanced Card Game 2e is an Amazon lightning deal at 1:30PM (EST).

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@Jeff W I just saw that on Twitter and then poked my head over at the B-Other to check the rabid foaming-at-the-mouth take on the situation. Never a disappointment. πŸ˜›

Admittedly, Cardstock Omnitron has never malfunctioned in his various forms. πŸ™‚

It’s a shame – nothing like a glitch to dampen excitement (and kill fun trivia – Double BOO!). πŸ™ Once gotten, the game IS Multi-glorious. (I just got whomped by Citizen Dawn – BAD!)

With Wrath of the Cosmos clocking in at about 4,500 pre-orders I would hazard a guess the Tachyon 5000 won’t be speeding off into the night as quickly as some witnessed wailing and gnashing of teeth suggests.

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Boo on the Apple store for the server problems downloading the iPad version. Still trying to get it.

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According to the Twitterverse – It’s up! It’s live! There are still cards! πŸ˜‰

Also on Handelabra’s Twitter they are posting Trivia Questions about the base game – so you can put your Multiverse knowledge to the test for a free copy. (Or just flip through your physical copy quickly for answers ;))

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Veteran Grader

Thanks, Hai, for a wonderful news article. I was unaware of The Sentinel Sidekick and the release of this amazing new Sentinels platform. I appreciate you heralding this information to the gaming community in style. I’ll have to pick up copies of both programs today.

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Wow – this looks great. It’s a must-buy:)

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I play blue
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Thanks! Hopefully the expansions aren’t that far away if they have the basic program up and running. Can’t wait.

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@Coltsfan From what I know the reported price point for the base is $9.99 or thereabouts. As for the DLC expansions – they are a ways down the line so I didn’t hear any details.

@JAY and @Akden Much obliged πŸ™‚

@Rabit LOL Oh that unstoppable Dawn. There should be an achievement for ‘Getting Utterly Defeated by Citizen Dawn Countless Times’! πŸ˜‰

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I play blue
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Does any one know what the price point is going to be. Or that of the expansions?

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Great job, Hai! Good news, too!

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Excellent article! I’ll be camping out to get in line for this one. πŸ™‚

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It’s really a blast to play. Playtesting has been impressive and fun. The Handelabra folks are wonderful and really doing the best they can to make the game awesome – and I think they’ve really succeeded. It’s just a lot of fun to jump into a quick game, even when Dawn beats us to a pulp. πŸ˜€

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@The BGdot

It was a bit chaotic today as just as I was e-mailing @Jim about publishing the promotional article – Handelabra went and pushed the launch up a day. So here it is – practically, almost, hot-off-the-presses BGdot news! πŸ˜‰

AND for those rubbing their hands about Sentinels:Digital and wanting an inside track to avoid trolling the dark alleys of E-bay later for Tachyon like some do Young Legacy- Handelabra released a bit of a launch time schedule in an update today.

12 noon UCT, Wednesday the 15th is when we will be officially pushing the big β€œrelease now” button.

Seattle (PDT): 10/15/2014 5:00 AM
St. Louis (CDT): 10/15/2014 7:00 AM
Cleveland (EDT): 10/15/2014 8:00 AM
Halifax (ADT):10/15/2014 9:00 AM
London (BST): 10/15/2014 1:00 PM
Essen (CEST): 10/15/2014 2:00 PM
Melbourne (AEDT): 10/15/2014 11:00 PM

Even though we push the button, it can take some time for the game to appear on the various stores so stay tuned to social media where we’ll link directly once it’s available.

@Jeff W Thank you! πŸ™‚ Just trying to do my part for the BGdot. I figured with so much Sentinel Centric Love around here – inquiring minds would want to know πŸ™‚

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Legend of the Five Rings Fan
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Guardian Angel

Nice contribution Hai! Been looking forward to trying this out since they were publicizing it at GenCon.

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