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Explorer - Level 1
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests

Novice Grader
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Gamer - Level 2
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Treasure Map
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Fortress America
This game was great when it came out back in the 80’s, and it is still fun today. An epitome of Ameritrash in all its glory! The new version has different minis, but they are as cool or cooler than the originals. The square box has a more efficient footprint. This was one of the first board games I owned as a kid and I am still proud to have it as an adult.
Components 5/5
Rules 4/5
Gameplay 5/5
Player Interaction 5/5