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Dungeon Roll
My brother picked this up from the Kickstarter and we were both pretty excited to try it out. We are always looking for quick-playing games that work well for two players.
I will start off with saying that the components for this game are fantastic. Everything looks great and it all fits into a nice little treasure chest (that is actually used during the game). The dice themselves are wonderfully produced and they feel nice when rolling. Also, the art and graphic design are all well done.
As for the gameplay, I have to say that I was pretty let down with this game. We only played with two players, and even then the down time for the other player was noticble. I couldn’t even imagine playing this game with more than two people. During a player’s turn, he basically has one choice; does he want to stop or keep going. Sure the game plays quickly and it’s a light game, but it just felt like you never really had to make a tough choice.
I’m sure some people will enjoy this game, but it really missed the mark for me. If you are looking for a light game that probably plays well for young children, you should definitely try it out.