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Critic (lvl 2)
310 xp
310 xp
Explorer (lvl 1)
195 xp
195 xp
Professor (lvl 0)
25 xp
25 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
161 xp
161 xp
About Me
Since I was very little I liked playing games. As I've grown, fantasy universes have gained my interrest. When I met my boyfriend we quickly found the common interrest of board games, and it just took of from there. We now play regularly we some friends, which is fantastic. It makes it possible to try out a lot of different games and also play them over and over again.
Board games are a great way to make friends and a great way to get together.
In Undermining each player steer a UMV, trying to gather elements to forfil contracts in order to gain points.
The game is action based, each player have a basis of three actions per turn. There are a number of ways to get more actions to get ahead of the other players.
Of course an action is to move and drill with the UMV, but also it is possible to move elements from the UMVee to the storage area, satisfy a contract, buy an upgrade or charge the battery.
The components of the game are high quality, both the game board, the tokens and the player boards are very nice.
Once the board have been set the game is very straight forward. Actually, once we used the set-up page, we went forward without the rulebook since it is so intuitive. This asspect both make the game easy to learn but also makes it less apeelling to experienced players.