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Last Night on Earth and I go way back.
Not only is it the ‘Thinking Zombie”s Zombie Game with not-so-mindless player controlled hordes (rather than some card driven brainless brain hungry AI), it is the truest zombie movie experience for your table top (severed) hands down!
Out of the Flying Frog Catalog. LNOE is the most expandocetric with hefty boxed expansions, hero packs, and the new Timber Peak alt-base line.
But there are a few hidden (and not so hidden) gems out their to make your Last Night on Earth the Lastiest.
There is a rather interesting fan-spansion triple pack which contains a Sun Track Event Deck, an Outdoor Event Deck to spice up those ‘dead’ spaces, and my favorite: a Zombie Hero Ability Deck that gives your ‘once bitten, now dead’ compatriots a little more zest than a few extra head shots to take them down.
It took some tracking down, but it is out there on Artscow:
Flying Frog ( also deals in Web Exclusive mini expansions only available from their in-house store that add a handful of new cards, scenario tiles, unique special character abilities, and even radioactive zombies to the mix. There mini sets are always evenly balanced – giving some new and powerful cards to both the Zombie and Hero Decks. Flying Frog is also rather generous with promo and autographed cards in direct orders. 😉
Also don’t forget that Flying Frog supports LNOE with an annual web content scenario
These printable story driven scenarios are a bit meatier than the scenario tiles and make for a good long afternoon of Last Night.
Handling Optional Rules in Last Night on Earth:Season One
As you play through the various scenarios – trying to survive The Season how does one handle all the optional expansion rules from the LNOE Universe?
Remember this:
A Team Zombie win nets one zombie experience
A Team Hero win nets one hero experience
And Flying Frog has the Dot Expansion System
While things like Grave Weapons and Survival Decks and Free Searches are still part of the individual scenarios that list them, Teams can spend their accumulated Scenario win experience to make them a permanent part of the Season One Campaign by spending the dot value.
Team Zombie has won three scenarios? Looks like Grave Weapons can be bought in as a permanent part of the campaign and used in any scenario. 😉
If you are using Timber Peak or have the Web Exclusive Unique Advanced Character Ability Cards from Flying Frog, we campaign run Character Abilities a little differently since having beefed up heroes and zombies based on wound experience works well for a single over-the-top scenario but not for a longer, darker campaign.
We replace the Experience rule set with Survival
Zombie Ability Cards are usually one offs – so Team Zombie is rewarded one zombie ability card draw at the end of a scenario zombie win to be used in a future scenario.
Hero Abilities are based on survival. Any hero who survives for two scenarios gets to draw a Timber Peak ability off the deck of their choice OR can unlock their unique advanced hero ability. This of course isn’t so much a boon, as making them a marked hero for Team Zombie in the future. 😉
Our gaming group has a lot of fun with the Season One Campaign system. We’ve made up a character chart from images off the Flying Frog Wiki so Team Zombie can cross out the deceased cast members, circle any ominous potential zombie hero guest stars, and we have a Team Zombie/Hero score card to keep track of experience and what advanced/expansion rules have been permanently unlocked.
Once the sun sets – another Last Night on Earth begins!
Last Night on Earth has a special place in my heart. It was the first game The Boy and I bought in our ‘It’s Complicated’ Togetherness . We saw that B-movie photo art and said ‘ WE have to get this!’ The rest is a long history. 🙂 LNOE gets played a lot in our gaming den and with our gaming group. It’s a comfortable game. We all know how to play it. We just plunk it down on the tabletop and go. But like any relationship, you have to keep things spicy…
After hearing about ’48 Hours of Night’ where a gaming group played through all the scenarios of LNOE, we devised a campaign system we call:
Last Night on Earth: Season One
The goal is to play through every scenario of LNOE in a year and in order to do that you have to keep the cast alive.
The campaign rules are simple:
You shuffle up the scenarios and heroes into an on-going stack. Deal out the first scenario and first 4 characters and play. Once that scenario is complete (win or lose) you move onto the next.
A Team Zombie win counts as an experience point for zombies.
A Team Hero win counts as an experience point for the heroes
Basic Rules:
Heroes Replenish is unlocked from the start, but heroes are subject to perma-death. Once they die – they are dead and can feel free to get cozy in the box for the rest of the year. Draw another hero and pray you can keep the body count low enough to get through the season.
All heroes refresh to their starting equipment between scenarios. A Team Hero win means each hero can take one additional item card into the next scenario (even the coveted keys – which makes ‘Escape in the Truck’ a heck of a lot easier if you are lucky 😉 ) Only one additional item card over starting equipment between scenarios though – no matter how long the hero winning streak.
The Zombie Heroes rule is unlocked from the beginning. Any Zombie Heroes not dispatched in a scenario remain in Team Zombie’s control and can be spawned in future scenarios for a 3 zombie cost as a ‘surprise’ guest star.
Wait what is this ‘unlocking’? What about the expansion rules like Grave Weapons ?
These of course depend on the expansions you own – you can easily play a campaign of Last Night on Earth: Season One with only the base set. Those expansion rules we call DVD Extras and I’ll get to that…
…until then try to keep Sheriff Anderson alive – he’s haunted by his past and absolutely dreamy! 😉
A lot of people have wondered about adding military to LNoE. I come with glad tidings of great fun!
Rules for Military Personnel
The military has come in to stop the zombie outbreak, and they’re quite to foe!
Note: These have been tested.
(1) Each Military Person costs the Heroes 4 Dots (Dots were introduced with the Growing Hunger expansion, so I won’t go into how the system works here)
(2) Military Personnel count as Heroes in every way Including counting as Heroes Killed for zombie win conditions
(3)Military Personnel cannot Search, Build Barricades, Reveal Number Counters/Free Search Markers/Salvage Tokens, Carry Items, or lead Townsfolk Allies
(4)Military Personnel start in Random Buildings (roll separately for each)
(5) Military Personnel can activate at any point during the Hero turn
(6) Military Personnel can Move and make a Ranged Attack (just like heroes).
(7) If a Military Person has run out of ammo, they must spend their next Ranged Attack action to reload
(8) When fighting, Military Personnel roll 2 dice, win on ties, and kill zombies beaten in the fight if they get doubles.
If you want all of your Military to have the same stats, use these ones:
2 Health, 3 Movement
Military Rifle: Range 5. Target a Zombie within Range and roll a D6. the Zombie is Hit on the Roll of 3+. On a roll of 6, one other Zombie in the same or adjacent space is also Hit. On a roll of 1, the Rifle is out of ammo.
If you want your Military Personnel to be more varied, use these
Squad Leader
2 Health, 3 Movement
Military Rifle: Range 5. Target a Zombie within Range and roll a D6. the Zombie is Hit on the Roll of 3+. On a roll of 6, one other Zombie in the same or adjacent space is also Hit. On a roll of 1, the Rifle is out of ammo.
Officer Training: Any Military Personnel within 1 space (including the Squad Leader) adds +1 to all To Hit rolls when making Ranged Attacks.
You may only have 1 Squad Leader per game.
2 Health, 3 Movement
M16: Range 4. Target a Zombie within Range and roll a D6. The Zombie is hit on the roll of 4+. If a Hit is scored, the Police Shotgun may be fired again until it misses. Once all shots have been fired, roll a single D6. On the roll of 1, the Shotgun is out of ammo.
2 Health, 4 Movement
Military Shotgun: Range 3. You may fire at a space within Range. Roll a D6 for each Zombie in that space. Zombies are Hit on the Roll of 3+. Any Hero in that space is unaffected. Each time the Shotgun is fired, roll a D6. On the roll of 1 or 2, the Shotgun is out of ammo.
2 Health, 3 Movement
Military Revolver: Range 4. You may target one Zombie within Range. Roll a D6. The Zombie is Hit on the roll of 4+. On the roll of 1, the Revolver is out of ammo.
First Aid: May give up a Move action or a Ranged Attack action to heal 1 Wound from a Military Person in the same space.
2 Health, 3 Movement
Sniper Rifle: Range 7. You may target one Zombie within Range. Roll a D6. The Zombie is Hit on the roll of 3+. On the roll of 1 or 2, the Hunting Rifle is out of ammo.
Headshot: May give up a Move action to ignore 1 Wall or Forest space when checking LOS.
Feel like 1d6 zombies per turn isn’t enough? I’m here to help.
Using the Dot system first introduced in Growing Hunger, I have come up with a tested and fair way to get more zombies on the board.
Each extra 1d6 of zombie spawn-age costs 3 Dots + 1 for every d6 you already have.
So 2d6 spawns costs 4 Dots (3 Dots, + 1 Dot for the 1d6 spawns you usually get)
3d6 Spawns costs 5 Dots (3 Dots + 2 Dots for the 2d6 Spawns you already have. For a total of 9 Dots (5 for 3d6, + 4 for 2d6)
4d6 Spawns will cost you a total of 15 Dots, and so on and so on.
In the Growing Hunger expansion you get 7 new zombie figures. You also get introduced to the Dot system (which I won’t go into here. If you have expansions you’ll know what it is).
One of the things that the zombie player can spend Dots on is called Zombie Horde (21). It costs 4 Dots, but allows the zombie player to have a Zombie Pool of 21 instead of the usual 14.
If you also have Timber Peak (which comes with 14 more zombies) or even just extra zombie figures that you want to add to your game, here are some rules I’ve come up with (And tested!) to allow even more zombies.
Quite simply, for every 7 extra zombies you get, you must spend 4 Dots + 1 Dot for every Zombie Horde upgrade you’ve already got. You must ‘buy’ Zombie Hordes in order.
So Zombie Horde (21) costs 4 Dots.
Zombie Horde (28) costs 5 Dots–4 for being a Zombie Horde, + 1 for Zombie Horde (21). This will total 9 Dots (4 for ZH (21) and then 5 for ZH (28) ).
Zombie Horde (35) will cost you 6 Dots (plus the 9 from ZH (21) and (28) for a total of 15 Dots)
Zombie Horde (42) would cost a total of 22 Dots, and so on and so on…
Some words of warning:
(1) Without Zombies Auto-spawn, you will never get to use all of your zombies, so make sure you have that one as well.
(2) With this many zombies, you will need more Heroes. Look at my Extra Heroes rule for how many Dots they cost.
(3) Even with Zombies Auto-spawn, you will never get all of your zombies at + 1d6 per turn (the heroes will keep killing them). Look at my Extra Zombie Spawn rule for that.
Hey why not paint up your minis? I know your thinking I can’t paint…. but fellow gamer I’m here to tell you that yes you can!! This simple method not only is super easy but looks fantastic as well, all in 3 easy steps.
1. Prime your mini’s with any acrylic spray primer.
2. Base coat your mini’s. i.e. paint the skin, clothes, etc, etc.
3. Dip or splash your mini in Minwax Polyshades Satin, remove excess
then let dry. You are now the proud owner of some fantastic looking
Heroes and Zombies!!!
Sometimes you may have more players than the game allows. Or maybe you’re facing a massive Zombie Horde and need some more Heroes to deal with it.
Using the Dot system introduced in Growing Hunger, I have come up with (And tested!) rules for Extra Heroes.
To get 1 Extra Hero, it will cost you 5 Dots.
To get a second Extra Hero, it will cost you 6 more Dots (for a total of 11 Dots for 2 Extra Heroes).
If you want a third Extra Hero, that will cost you another 7 Dots (for a total of 18).
And so on and so on.
If you’re looking for new scenarios, be sure to check out the offical website for the game via Flying Frog’s site.
There, you can find four scenarios which can be downloaded free, under the Web Content link.
1 – All Hallows Eve
2 – We’ve Got to Go Back!
3 – Run For It (uses parts from Growing Hunger Expansion)
4 – All Hallows Eve II : The Ritual (requires Growing Hunger Expansion, and plays up to 9 players!)
Official webpage :
During a game of LNOE, humans will do two things frequently:
– gather an arsenal of weapons
– die
To reduce the second item on the list, do the first one more efficiently. Every hero has a specialization for equipment which combines with their abilities. When you are surrounded by zombies, it is easy to think “Well now I’m armed, when I get something better I’ll give this weapon to so-and-so.” However, all the heroes need to work in concert, and share a common goal. Make the TEAM more effective, and you are more likely to live. Remember “guns don’t kill, people kill.” So yes shotguns in LNOE are awesome, but Johnny with a shotgun is NOT awesome. Overall, a human with a weapon is less likely to survive than a human unarmed but being protected by a human who should be using that weapon. So hand that pitchfork to Jenny, and take her fire extinguisher– you’ll find something nice later on.
Jenny: Melee weapons with special effects (pitchfork)
Johnny: Melee weapons with more damage/likelihood to kill (chainsaw)
Anderson: Firearms (becomes a walking gun factory)
Billy: Explosives (Dynamite, Gasoline– can get in and out)
Becky: Resist temptation to give her healing items. Maximize team’s healing potential when possible, her ability is a bonus. (leftover weapons)
Priest: Leftover weapons, NOT front-line soldier (combine him with Becky for a Zombie Card-cancelling factory) (leftover weapons)
Cartwright: His job is to GET the weapons, and immediately give them to the most qualified player (leftover weapons)
Sally: One exception here, should keep best weapons she gets, combines well with her Luck ability (cleaver, pistol)
I can’t remember where I found this tip, but if you are the zombie player do what you can to form a picket line of zombies when you are not forced to “zombie hunger” move. I found this was great for to cornering Heroes who favored one side of the board. I would just create a line and then slowly walk that line down the board. And when one or a pair of Heroes get caught in an encounter, adjacent Zombies are right there to further restrict movement. It is absolutely satisfying to either force someone into 3 or four encounters in a row or to be able to Zombie Hunger 2 or 3 zombies onto someone who got themselves stuck!
There is an entire fan site to this game, and actually a pretty **** good one. Some of the scenarios listed are a ton of fun… Check it out
You can either move or search. I just found that we would spend most of our time sitting in one place waiting to get something useful and it felt…boring. It just kinda ruined the pace for us. That and we never even got through half the Hero deck playing that way. So, we house ruled it so that you could move and then search. The caveat being that if you chose that option, any encounters you had would only be with one die. So you could never defeat a zombie that turn, being as you were distracted with trying to find something useful. More zombies tend to die this way, however we found that doing this made it so that the zombie player was almost always at near max zombies on the board. So zombie/hero interaction went up.
The Johnny ability to win on tie, so he’s a good zombie killer. Give the Chainsaw card to him to give him an extra fight dice and kill all zombies.
Without going into extreme detail with all the variables, we find it entertaining if, before the game, it is agreed upon that a hero who becomes a Zombie Hero becomes a unique type of Infected. This can allow the Zombie Player to be more strategic with who they try to infect, and makes the game more memorable.
Examples (base game): Note the zombie champions retain no other perks from life
Billy (track star): Move an additional 2 spaces per turn
Sheriff Anderson: Use a pistol (but less effectively, hit on 6)
Becky (nurse): If zombie falls within 2 spaces, regenerate on 5+
Sally: “Still lucky” When Sally takes damage, reroll the attack once
Johnny (quarterback): “Charge” When attacking a hero, may move another two spaces to attack all other heroes encountered
Jenny: May attack using any melee weapons held on death
Father Joseph: Sacrifice 2 zombies to cancel any hero card
Cartwright: Sacrifice a zombie within 1 space. Draw two zombie cards and discard 1 of them
The important fight in the game is all about each team (Zombie or Human) forcing the other into a disadvantage. The humans have the upper hand inherently, but are forced to constantly jeopardize themselves to achieve objectives or build up equipment.
Humans: Your strongest area on the board is the Farm. Jenny of course has an advantage there, plus the corn field makes the zombies far less likely to attack the humans. If you can lure zombies there, you can count on winning the encounter. Your weakest area on the board is the Junk Yard. The maze-work of walls will restrict the humans, while the zombies can easily block the exits and come in through the walls. Avoid this tile at all costs, don’t bother even going there.
It will be tempting as a human to stay in the center of the board, but this is ill-advised. Moving along the edges of the board will maximize your mobility advantages, as the zombies cannot quickly travel across the board without using that central tile. Use the center tile only to shortcut directly across the board.
Zombies: The center of the board is your friend. Camp your zombies in the middle of the board and their mobility disadvantage will decrease. You will be more exposed, but any human who gets close enough to the horde will pay the price when a few can shamble right over from the center of the map.
Otherwise route, the humans (who are best off traveling on the inner edge of the outer tiles) towards the corners or the center of the board. All terrain is, in theory, “on your side” as walls essentially do not exist. So wherever there are walls, have zombies block the doors and let the rest move in through the doors.
If you enjoy playing “creepy” music in the background to add ambiance to the game, check out the works of Nox Arcana and Midnight Syndicate, as both offer very thematically appropriate “haunting” melodies.
If you have internet access during game play, create a station with one of those artists and let Pandora do the work for you.
As the players, know that the person controlling the zombies is going to try to set things up so that the weak links are eliminated quickly. Precious few Heroes actually start out with weapons in their starting gear, which means that some of the players are going to be quite vulnerable to a zombie attack. In keeping with the traditional horror movie theme, keep to the buddy system; try to have heroes paired together as much as possible so that threats can be reduced, at least until weapons can be found. Some zombie cards can exploit the buddy system, but not too many.
This tip has to do with the expansion “Survival of the Fittest” and if you enjoy playing LNOE then you owe it to yourself to get this fine
This expansion contains 2 Survival Decks as well as other counters and rules to increase your enjoyment of the game.
My tip for LNOE is “Don’t forget the Survival Decks when Searching”.
There are two different decks (Survival Tactics and Unique Items) and depending on which building your in, will determine which deck you choose. Of course if your looking for a certain Scenario Item than you
will need to search the Hero Deck, but otherwise it’s good to know
there are two other deck options to choose from.
Unique Item Deck: contains powerful items and all the cards are unique
in that there are no duplicates.
Survival Tactics Deck: contains cards that can help the survivors
stay alive. You can even use the sewers to
move around the board faster.
So get the “Survival of the Fittest” pack, and don’t let your heroes
become a zombie snack.
Zombies should be thought of as a tool; as the Zombie player, you’re going to get more. One of the best things the zombies can do is herd Heroes into compromising situations, where a well-played Zombie card can really put the Heroes in a fix (like barring the building the Heroes are trying to get to). Getting a Hero player alone and surrounded by zombies is almost always a losing situation for the Hero, and with the right card, that Hero can be converted into a stronger Zombie Hero to really give the remaining Heroes headaches.