gamer level 8
28945 xp
28945 xp
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Stone of the Sun
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions ...learn more »
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions ...learn more »

Give 1000 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game
Give 1000 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game

Gamer - Level 8
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Chief Inspector
Follow a total of 40 games
Follow a total of 40 games
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
325 xp
325 xp
Explorer (lvl 6)
7226 xp
7226 xp
Professor (lvl 2)
333 xp
333 xp
Reporter (lvl 4)
1976 xp
1976 xp
About Me
I enjoy the occasional game or two.
Though some might say I'm in it just for the obsessive bagging of components and sleeving of cards. That's probably not true.
After you’ve played the game a number of times, and you have a good understanding of the cards and their synergy, you can try drafting at the beginning of the game as interesting variant.
To elaborate for those unfamiliar with drafting mechanics: after drawing your seven cards at the beginning of the game, pick one of the cards to keep, and pass the remaining six to the next player (pick left or right at the start, it needs to be consistent). This will also result in the player in the opposite direction having passed you six cards; pick one of those and pass the remaining five. Continue until all the cards have been picked. (You will just keep the last card handed to you as you’re “picking” from a single option.)
As I mentioned at the beginning, this is something that you would only want to try with a group that is already familiar with the game. Both because someone that isn’t as familiar with the available cards won’t have the knowledge to draft wisely, and drafting will generally make the start of the game more aggressive as players will have more control over their tempo. That control will of course fade after a while as normal card drawing actions occur, so knowing how to play without having constructed your hand is still vital.