Fabrício Lima
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King of Tokyo
King of Tokyo is a dynamic game, mixing both dice and cards to create a pretty solid combination of mechanics. Very fast-paced and swingy, the game is very easily learned in one or two sessions. But, it can be very dynamic and offer some interesting strategic choices.
The basic goal is sound: Reach 20 victory points, which you can get while controlling Tokyo, or defeat all the other monsters in the game. Rolling dice each turn, you determine whether you will deal damage, gain energy (used to buy cards that grant you special abilities), gain victory points, or heal to stay in the fight. Since you do get some rerolls to set up the “best” strategy, it does require some thought about how best to cope with your rolls and plan a couple of turns ahead. Because it is all too easy to focus on controlling Tokyo, and getting knocked out by an opponent’s roll.
The board is very simple, and all the pieces are very sturdy. The energy “blocks” are a bit on the small side, so they can be easily lost and certain aren’t good for younger children who might like to eat small colored plastic items. But, aside from that, the game is good for anyone 8 and up. Especially with the colorful pieces and opportunity to be a giant monster for an afternoon. Game time can be up to a half hour, but I’ve played games that last 10 minutes depending.
An excellent game, and highly recommended!