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About Me
I'm a recent convert to board games. Got hooked after playing Settlers of Catan. I got the rest of my family hooked on games by playing Fluxx. Currently, Dominion is our game of choice. My wife wants to play about as often as I do. We live in Brasil, so we like games that don't require a high level of English as many of our friends only speak Portuguese.
Munchkin Quest
I’ve played the original Munchkin games a few dozen times, so I was really looking forward to Munchkin Quest. What I found was a game that is fun but overly complex.
The instruction book has something like 19 pages of rules. I found myself constantly flipping pages while playing trying to figure out the game play. I’ve played four or five times now and still find myself referring to the rules. Fairly regularly, the instructions have you turning to other pages to reference other rules. On page 8, you are asked not less than ten times to turn to another page.
The combat also feels a bit random, more so than the original Munchkin game. Our first game was over fairly quickly as we kept drawing low level monsters. The fact that you have to be in a room adjacent to other players in order to mess with them takes away some of the original fun of stabbing your friends in the back. This might not be as big of an issue if you are playing with more than 2 players. Most of our games were 2 player and the one time we played with 3, the game was a lot better.
It’s still a lot of fun, especially once we got the hang of monster movement. But I still think the rules and their explanation need a major overhaul.
-Play with at least 3 players. Allows for more interactions and back-stabbing.
-Keep the instructions handy.
-Pay attention to the Monster Movement Rules. They can be confusing at first, but are very important to a fun game.