Add your own Tips, Strategies, & House Rules! Vote for tips that you think are useful.
Tips & Strategies (56)
Add your own Tip, Strategy, or House Rule
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- 03The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
- 01Massive Darkness
- 01Taverns of Tiefenthal
- 017 Wonders
- 017 Wonders: Cities
- 01Fire & Axe: A Viking Saga
- 01Thebes
- 01Formula D
- 01Port Royal
- 00Spirit Island: Branch And Claw
- (updated once every hour)
- Check out our users' favorite games!
- (152) 7 Wonders
- (149) Dominion
- (144) Pandemic
- (135) The Settlers of Catan
- (120) Carcassonne
- (115) Ticket to Ride
- (97) Small World
- (96) Munchkin
- (92) Arkham Horror
- (91) Forbidden Island
- (# of user reviews, updated every 12 hours)
- 25 The Red Dragon Inn
- (# of hearts given, updated every hour)
- 3 Formula D
- 3 Marvel United
- 3 The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
- 2 Port Royal
- 2 Flash Point: Fire Rescue — Urban Structures Expansion Pack
- 2 Flash Point: Fire Rescue
- 2 7 Wonders
- 2 7 Wonders: Cities
- 1 Spy Alley
- 1 Eclipse
- (# of times played, updated every 12 hours)
- see all new games >
Hasty Baker
19-Aug-24, GoChuckle -
Mythic Quests: The Card Game
7-Nov-22, -
Mythic Dungeon Crawler – A Solo Card Game
27-Sep-22, -
Lost Ruins of Arnak
28-Dec-21, Czech Games Edition -
13 Monsters
4-Dec-20, Twisted Stranger B.V. -
Forgotten Waters
4-Dec-20, Plaid Hat Games -
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set
18-Nov-20, Paizo Publishing -
Unlocking Insanity
5-Oct-20, Petersen Games -
Planet Apocalypse
5-Oct-20, Petersen Games -
Marvel United
1-Oct-20, CMON, Spin Master Ltd. -
Draconis Invasion: Wrath
23-Sep-20, -
2 Minute Dino Deal
5-Aug-20, Petersen Games -
Mythic Challenge: The Card Game
2-Aug-20, -
Viscounts of the West Kingdom
27-Mar-20, Garphill Games -
14-Feb-20, Prettiest Princess - see all new games >
- see all upcoming games >
Gravity Warfare
2018 Q4, Smart Iguana Games -
BANG! The Dice Game – Undead or Alive
2019, dV Giochi -
Hasty Baker
2019, GoChuckle -
2019 Q4, dV Giochi -
Origami: Legends
2019 Q4, dV Giochi -
Decktective: Bloody-red roses
2019 Q4, dV Giochi -
BANG! The Duel: Renegades
2019 Q4, dV Giochi -
Buy It Or Don’t
2019 Q4, Binks Games -
Four Levels
2019 Q4, Four Level Productions -
Unlocking Insanity
2020, Petersen Games -
High Noon
2020 Q4, High Noon Inc. -
2021, Quality Beast -
High Frontier 4 All (4th ed)
2021 Q2, Ion Game Design, Sierra Madre Games -
Legends of Sleepy Hollow
2021 Q2, Dice Hate Me Games -
Game of Energy
2021 Q2, Ninex Games - see all upcoming games >
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Similar to Millhouse’s already-mentioned “Be nice to the new people” tip regarding tips/reviews, another way to show you appreciate their effort is by following them. I started out by following only the upper-tier members for reviews and such, but following your games of interest gets you reviews and tips anyway. I decided, instead, to follow the lower-tier members who are still submitting info to the site to give them a little boost. Not only will this show them they are appreciated, it will also build up their Gamer quest (heck, the “Noble” tier is only 2 followers, sometimes you can bump them over the limit yourself).
FYI the “Gamer Directory” lists members by level and # of followers.
But we do…
Because they are awesome.
They are big and grand and sometimes hard earned. (There’s this b-Other joint that has really small ones I hear. :P)
Quested for or bought – badges define us.
We all have our favorite aspects of the BGdot. Explorable Favorites. What are You Playing? Adding colorful icons to our cyber gaming shelves.
And we all have our favorite badges too. Badges we display with pride. Badges we flash for flair. Far future badges that we covet.
But there is a very important badge on the BGdot.
The Supporter Coin
On your profile – don’t forget the Gem bar. It tells you how to purchase gems which lead to Supporter Coin levels. And not to get all Sally Struthers, but for the price of a Mid-Grande Cup of Java at BigBucks – every few months or year you can support the BGdot. It is a little something to give back. A little coin in the pocket and a little coin on the profile.
Gems lead to gold showers that can buy other badges, heart your favorite games, buy zazzy avatars, and medal a hard day’s review.
Supporter Coins say ‘Thank you BGdot’. Thank you for being the Friendly Local Gaming Site. Thank you for building gaming bridges and harboring few trolls. Thank you @Jim for a whole lot of practically one-man showmanship. Thank you for the badges and quests. And even…Thank you for giving Jack-the-Downgrader a place to hang his hat.
The Supporter Coin is a badge to wear with honor.
Did you just get one of those games you have been drooling over for some time?
Let the BGdot do your book keeping for you! No need to Unwant – just hit the ‘Own It’ button and the background elves remove it for you!
And well……. *hee hee*
Thanks BGdot – what a handy place to be!
If you are like me and you grade a lot of reviews, then it can be hard to find ones that you haven’t graded (this is especially important when new game exploration quests come out).
There is a very small box on the top menu where the filter and order by drop-down menus are, which is labeled “Not yet graded”. Just click this box and it will return only the reviews that you still need to grade!
Because this option can be easy to miss, I thought it might be useful to share here.
The Follower/Following ratio is still a tight squeeze and I’m packed with BGdot chums and Kickstarter friends I lure here with enticing invites *hee hee*, and the occasional @Jim , but what about those poor wandering newbies or old cardboard veterans who are here for the information if not comfortable penning reviews and tips.
Life for a newbie can be tough – wandering about – getting a feel for the place and trying to make friends. Until you show some gaming chops with reviews and tips – it is tough to get any street cred and your first Follower crown.
Be a Friendly Neighborhood Guardian Angel
I always leave a space open for the lonely soul and pop in the handy dandy Gamer Directory front page or two to see who is close to a little XP, gold, and Follower Love with a mental note of the magic numbers 2-10-25-50…
A quick pop Follow from a Guardian Angel shows a little BGdot love with a wink and a surprise badge in the morning.
Don’t be offended if I don’t personally stay – because there is only so much room on the head of a pin.
Anyone is welcome to follow back and stick around if they wish – but just be prepared to be jacked into Radio ‘Hai Mind’ chatter – or a few friendly grades are always a happy thank you.
Just remember – just because I may not follow back, doesn’t mean I don’t like you. (See Tip: I Like You – I REALLY Like You!!!! ) I just can’t. But I always give new followers a thorough Rating Shower and keep up on what they have to say.
I like to read reviews. I like to hear other people’s opinions. I enjoy other people’s takes on gaming. I even delve into ‘hate mail’ on games I enjoy. One of my Cardboard Catchphrases: “We’re all both experts and addicts after all.”
The BGdot encourages personal reviews – that’s nice! The more reviews the merrier.
Recently, I’ve noticed personal review ‘imports’ and ‘reprints’ from other sites trending.
Doppelganger Reviews
Nothing wrong with that. Reviews are work. After an afternoon or two of bending words and sneaking up on my opinions with a sock full of quarters so I can lay them out on a page – why make them one and done? I’ve tossed a personal review or two I’ve originated here over to a B-other site to get lost in the vortex of some discussion about an Android:Netrunner card or whatever. However, I do smarten them up and walk them to the bus stop myself.
I’ve noticed that some of these Doppelganger Reviews are a bit rough on the reformat transfer. What might have been pretty in the Otherwords are now globs of text and sometimes include ghost photography references not in phase with this physical plane.
These were once your words (I hope). They may not have originated here, but they are visiting. Do them more of a courtesy than a quick cut and paste and a button push.
It is also a courtesy to the site which is gangering the various doppels, which in this case, be this one.
The Followed to Following ratio can get a little tight here on the BGdot.
I always feel guilty that I can’t follow someone back immediately when they follow me. The follow spaces are tight and single file – it’s hard to lock arms with everyone and follow the BG Gold road. I have my list of BGdot buddies I like to keep an eye on and a few spots for a Newbie or two who needs a little Follow Love.
How do I show my appreciation if not with an immediate icon add to my Band of Cardboard Cronies?
I visit new follower profiles and go through and Grade their collective reviews and tips. If you ever wake up to a ‘Like Shower’ that’s just me saying ‘Thanks for the Follow’!!!!!
And stick around – I’ll hit the green bar eventually. Promise!
(Those reporter XPs are tough!)
Much like Everybody’s Pal Tom on the MyFace – most of us follow Jim.
Push come to shove – when I have to give someone the UnFollow and get some elbow room to show Newbie Love or whatever…
Jim gets the boot!
Don’t worry Jim. I usually pick you back up in a week or so and I’ll buy some gems to make up for it. I mean, it isn’t like I am somehow going to miss what he’s saying.
Poor Jim. So sad.
(But you did make up the Follower/Following rules)
This site will get better and stronger the more active members it has. More content to read, more people rating content, and all that activity will act like chum for more contributions from gaming companies who will also support the site in bigger ways.
Utilize those links under Reporter Quests to invite all your gaming buddies. Every time you play a game, mention to your friend to signup here. Or remind them to update their existing account.
In addition to the obvious reporter points you will gain, you will also pick up new followers, have a great chance of attaining positive reviews, and have new people to stalk while questing for explorer points. You can use your friends’ pages to figure out what games they own to avoid double buying for the group and by looking over their favorites, you’ll know what to suggest next game day!
This site can be a huge resource. Let’s tap the potential!
The site has done a good job of making sure that sheer numbers of reviews are meaningless. Good reviews are required to move up the ranks. While it is true that you can do a lousy review and just edit it later, there is not any real benefit to doing so, and you are actually going to hurt yourself doing so.
The biggest boost you are going to get is from people who are following the games you are reviewing when you first review it. They are going to see a notification that someone posted a review or tip as soon as it is done. If they read it and find it to be bad, they are going to say it is unhelpful. If you edit it later, there will be no such notifications, so your first impression is wasted.
Worse, now you have a review or tip that states a lot of people think it is unhelpful. You can never make those go away. People who come and view the game later are going to see that “2 of 15 gamers found this helpful” and they may just decide that it isn’t worth the time to read it. Or they may just agree with the other 13.
Put some thought and time into your review or tip and it will be rewarded by the folks here. Sheer numbers are meaningless, it is all about quality.
Starting out is always the toughest part. If you’re new to the site, really consider hitting those game exploration quests early. They’re pretty good packages and will help you save for the awesome avatar you know you want. Additionally, if you have played those games and have tips, reviews or strategies, type them up and put them on those first. Those games are getting a lot oftraffic and will help you with the early Critic & Professor quests. Please note that it counts only Likes toward those goals, so make sure what you post has substance.
One of the best ways to gain experience for your Professor and Critic skills is to fully utilize the frequent Explorable Favorites quests! When a couple of games pop up for the week and you’ve played those games before, now is the time to write some tips, strategies and reviews for the game. BG is literally advertising the game, so you’ll have extra eyeballs on that content. Of course, just because you’re taking advantage of the free advertising doesn’t mean your content standards should take a hit. Don’t try and cram the quick and easy in for the XP. Still take pride in your work and submit quality! As always, YMMV!
Make sure that you are following gamers who are currently making post. You may be reading through a game and find someone’s ideas or opinions that you enjoy or agree with and this person is a likely candidate. However, check to make sure that they are making current updates, either adding to the site with reviews or at least discussions.
Along with that, make sure the current people you are following are still active on the site. If they have not made any updates in the last few months you may want to consider not following them so that you can make room for more relevant gamers. Its sad, but you know what they say…
When I’m old and gone away its ok to stop following me, but I’m still young and going strong!
Anyone with an account can submit reviews and tips as soon as they sign up. This can prove to be a double-edged sword. It allows them freedom, but can also lead to them being intimidated right from day one if they get smashed with too many negative reviews.
I recommend the following for newer members of the community:
– Don’t dive into submitting until after you have already voted on at least 100 items similar to your intended contribution. This will allow you to establish a baseline on what is standard for the site, what others feel is worthy and what attributes YOU feel are important in a submission.
– Browse through the tips on this page. They are specific to playing this “game” and are invaluable to hitting the ground running. Three of the most important tips are:
“Was this helpful?”
“Tips to read when leaving tips”
“Spread out your reviews and tips”
Over the years, I have seen members state that they wish they could track their plays by date. This feature would be interesting but does not currently exist. I have a method of leaving tips and house rules that generates a macro version of this.
I steadily submit house rules and strategies, averaging about once a week. They are much easier to write for games that I have recently played (or am currently obsessed with). So many of my tips are added to this site around the same time that game is dominating my play time. Perusing my list of contributions, I discovered that it created a relatively accurate journal of my recent years of gaming.
If you submit tips on a frequent basis (and why wouldn’t you?) try to keep focused on the games you most recently played, and it will slowly create your own history that you can go back and reflect on in the future!
Since the inception of the new game exploration quests in June, users of the site are flocking to these games to read reviews, tips, and strategies in order to “explore” the game. If you are lucky enough to be one of the few that have played the game, review it! You will be rewarded with tons of XP! You will also be helping out us fellow explorers by providing more content.
One more review needed for Kill Doctor Lucky. Played it? You know what to do.
As I draw close to achieving the Expert Advisor Badge, I have decided to share some of the strategies I employed while getting there. I hope this helps you achieve your goals also!
You need a lot of tips. As your library of tips increases so will your potential for someone seeing them. Collecting positive feedback on items you posted years ago, is a great feeling since the work is already completed but the dividends are still returning.
The more consistently you contribute tips (but not spam! More on that in #2), the more often you will occupy the coveted top spot on each game’s tips page. This will ensure your advice gets read before fatigue sets in and the reader retires for the session.
Diversification is also important here. You want to have game tips all over the site and not just focused on one game. This widens your exposure to each new member that signs up here. It also prevents you from bumping your own tips further down the individual game pages.
When you’re going to enter tips/strategies/house rules on the site, be sure to check the link under the box your type your tip/strategy/house rule into.
Directly under the text box, there is a line reading:
Before you submit a tip … and a link with a series of things to consider before posting. Items include:
– Reading through previous tips to avoid duplication
– Checking spelling/grammer
– Items specific to the game
– Strategies including why a player should consider it
– Tested house rules
Taking these tips into account will lead to better content on the site, as well as more “Yes” votes for your Professor Quest!
A lot of people come to the site and make small and sometimes incoherent tips and reviews. As you spend more time on the sites and read other’s submissions, you will gain a better understanding of what voters are looking for and what you can add to spice up your entry.
Do be afraid to delete your early reviews and tips if you feel like you can write a better one today. Chances are if you have a good amount of negative votes you can turn them around with a second entry with better content.
Sometimes you might start clackin away excitedly at the keyboard, writing a review for a game you just learned over the weekend and then get stuck in the middle, not knowing what to put down on the page… that’s ok! Shelve the review to notepad for a bit, play the game a couple more times, give yourself time to put your thoughts in order. Your review will be stronger for it! In short… Don’t rush it, be proud of what you put down on the page before clicking submit!