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Critic (lvl 2)
450 xp
450 xp
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1543 xp
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608 xp
608 xp
About Me
Based on the gamer types, I am a cross between a casual gamer and an avid gamer. In some regards I also could classify myself as a strategy gamer as I really enjoy a good abstract (as long as it has a theme) or puzzle game. Case in point is my love for Arimaa (played at arimaa.com) which is my all-time favorite game and is an abstract pure strategy game.
I recently got the chance to play this at the 1st Annual Dice Tower Convention in Orlando last month. I didn’t even know the game existed before that so I had no idea what to expect. When I saw it, I was skeptical at first – you mean you actually flick your adventurers to attack monsters?
Here’s how it works:
One or more players take the side of the adventurers (heroes). The basic game comes with an Elf, Thief, Warrior, and Wizard, but there is an expansion that adds more heroes. Each hero is represented by a wooden disc that you flick and try to hit the monsters. The really neat thing is that each hero has different special abilities. The Elf has ranged attacks (shoot with smaller separate discs), the Thief can move twice, the Warrior can rage (attack several times in a row, but tires himself out), and the Wizard has a slew of special powers represented by cards.
A sole player takes the role of the overseer and gets to command an army of various monsters that all have different powers and start off from easy to kill to very difficult. He in turn gets to flick his discs and try to hit your heroes.
Each hero comes with a reference card that shows their powers and has a track for life points. Once a hero’s life reaches zero that hero is out of the game. If all 4 heroes are eliminated the overseer wins. For the heroes to win, they have to traverse through 4 increasingly difficult boards and then fight a boss monster at the end. Each board also has slots for obstacles (larger wooden discs), which really add to the strategy of the game and make it more of a strike/counter strike than an all-out assault.
Help comes in the form of a healer and a merchant room in between dungeon rooms. This is where players can spend the money they earned for killing monsters to buy equipment and earn some life back. Even still, the game is tilted in favor of the overseer and the heroes will have to use excellent strategy and have great flicking skills to even stand a chance.
In the game I played, we actually made it to the final boss (a dragon – but there are various ones to choose from) and had him down to 2 life before succumbing to defeat!
I really enjoyed this game and would jump at the chance to play it again. There is a definite skill level with flicking the discs, but not too much that it becomes frustrating. It can be really satisfying to make a really nice flick to knock out a monster from one side of the board to the other. I also really liked the teamwork needed to work together as a team of heroes, but I can imagine that playing the overseer is equal amounts of fun.
– You “feel” like you are playing a dungeon crawler
– Game is balanced (not too easy)
– Setup is quick
– Rules are straightforward and easy to learn
– Components are of nice quality
– Artwork on the discs is a bit difficult to decipher and match with the cards.
Overall, I highly recommend this game. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea… flicking games require some skill and patience. But for those who are in to these types of games, you are in for a treat.