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About Me
I´m from Brazil and I´m an avid gamer. Avid to play new games and to disseminate good board games for my friends. I´m a part of a small group of gamers here in Brazil´s capital. I´m interested in all kinds of games since they have good mechanics, a good thematics and a good overall playability. I´m already went to GENCON and I´m looking forward to go to Essen next year.
My favorites games so far are: Dominion, Lord of the Rings Card Game, Merchants and Marauders, Pandemic, Last Night on Earth, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Battlestar Galactica, and others...
Xenoshyft Onslaught
That’s it….Survive!
This game is all about surviving! And it’s so fun!
Great components, excelent card quality and lots of replayability.
Xenoshyft is a game where players became part of an army of hi-tec soldiers that are responsible for the safety of the Xenoanthem Mining Mission.
Just like the movie “Starship Troopers”, there are a race of alien insects that decided not to let them mine anything. They are addicted to the Xenoanthem and it makes them very very angry and violent.
So each player are responsible for one division in this hi-tec army. You can be responsible for the Barracks, for the Science Lab, for the Armory, for The Medical Center, and so on.
All we have to do is to simply survive 9 rounds of these terrible beasts that keeps coming and coming, relentless.
On each turn, we have to buy troops and equipment, and also buy action cards that helps us survive each round if an emergency comes up.
The game is co-op and everyone can help everyone during the battle. You can buy your teammate a troop or an equipment if he was unable to buy.
The rules are pretty simple and for that we´re still managing to understand some rules. House rules are common. The company is making FAQs to minimize these effects.
The game is tough. And you’ll have to be very smart with yours decisions along with your teammates
I highly reccomend this game for those who enjoy play tough co-op games.