Upcoming Games
May 2012
Queen Games
May 2012
Queen Games
– New “game in play” photo
– Rulebook available for download
Q2 2012
Fantasy Flight Games
Android: Netrunner The Card Game
– Just announced! A new Living Card Game based on the Android Universe
Q3 2012
Fantasy Flight Games
October 2012
Alderac Entertainment Group
October 2012
Alderac Entertainment Group
October 2012
Alderac Entertainment Group
The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill – Saga Expansion
Q3 2012
Fantasy Flight Games

Recently Released
Food Fight: Snack Attack
Cryptozoic Entertainment
Miskatonic School for Girls
Fun to 11
Toy Vault Inc.
Zong Shi
Gryphon Games
Z-Man Games
Claustrophobia: De Profundis – Expansion

Released in 2010
Rails of New England
Rio Grande Games

Abaddon is done by the guy who did Memoir 44 using an interesting variation on the system.
Zong Shi is a good game. Check it out.
Bought Vinhos. Cannot wait to try it.
I want Infiltration sooo badly! Can´t wait to put my hands on it! 🙂
Netrunner is promissing also!
I can’t say how stoked I am that FFG is continuing with with Android themed games. To re-release Netrunner under that theme seems like a fabulous idea and given how decent their other LCGs are, ….win.
Mmm, need to find out more about those Tempest games from AEG. They look nice. (Oh, and Netrunner too…)
Android Netrunner!!! Got to have it!!
I’m a big Netrunner fan. WOTC botched the promotion of this excellent game when it was first released in the early 90’s and like Granny, I’m hoping this new release will breathe some life back into the game. I wish the old cards would be compatible with the new version, cause I have a ton of them! 🙂
Happy Weekend, Everybody!
With how well Fantasy Flight has done with their Lord of the Rings The Card Game (as well as their other LCGs) I’m pretty confident that the Netrunner LCG should be really good. I just hope they aren’t spreading themselves thin with so many different LCGs.
Here is a link to the Fantasy Flight Games page that shows all their LCGs… don’t forget about their upcoming Star Wars LCG!!!
Click here to see their LCG list >
This is an excellent group of games…. It’s good to see Vinhos added, and I’m intrigued by Infiltration. I like the original Netrunner… so curious how this update (branded with Android) turns out.