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Dungeons & Dragons: 4th Edition
I love D&D. Having been introduced formally to it at the beginning of 4th edition I have nothing to compare the previous editions to. However my fellow players have often said some of the combat and skill elements were more difficult than in this edition. I feel like I was able to step into the game without any problems learning the rules quickly.
Alot of things come down to the discretion of the DM but it certainly adds an interesting twist to the game. And as I like to test my DM at every turn I personally feel like I have more freedom in this game than in previously played RPGs. If you have a good group of people this is a good game for laughs and adventure. The only problem we seem to have is covering enough ground in a short amount of time. If you are a beer drinking chatting group only plan on 2-3 encounters in a couple hour session. For those who like to level quickly and not be stuck in level limbo for months on end this can be frustrating (thats a note to fellow power gamers, of which I’ve been accused of…lol.)
The biggest problem is how long you can keep a group of people intact and available to really hit the high levels. It seems like we can never get a group past level seven before people start doing something else with their time. My only solution to this is to run campaign modules where you have specific levels and go from there.