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Zombie Dice

5 out of 37 gamers thought this was helpful

Thats a verry good filler, if you only have a few minutes. And the theme is very nice too. Brains, brains, brains. Lovely, isn’t it? Easy to learn and it’s also a cheap game.

Go to the Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game page
43 out of 144 gamers thought this was helpful

That’s a great game for real gamers. You start in a cooperative way but with someone that you don’t know who spoiling the party. The Adversarial phase is also great and you need a lot of tatical to survive. For sure is good to know the television serie (I am a fan, sure). Great game to spend a lot of hours!

Go to the Dixit page


33 out of 67 gamers thought this was helpful

Dixit is fabulous! Great pictures that make you imagine, dream and capture other people in your own imagination, tricking them to belive that what you see is exactly the best significant to the card. It’s very creative, and my favorite game! I really recomend!

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