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Review: Locke & Key The Game

Posted by renee {Power Gamer} | 23-Mar-12 | 11 comments
Locke and Key card game title

Locke and key key card foil printing

Locke & Key: Them Game is an interactive card game based on the Eisener winning graphic novel by Joe Hill. This dark fantasy novel about Keyhouse, a mysterious mansion in Lovecraft, Massachusetts, is filled with creepy characters and spooky keys with supernatural powers.

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Comments (11)

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Miniature Painter
Intermediate Reviewer
Master Grader

Looks like a fun one to try.

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I play orange
Miniature Painter
Veteran Grader
Intermediate Reviewer

I must admit, the card design is alluring enough draw money out of my wallet.

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Advanced Grader
Gamer - Level 4

I’ve just seen the review made by Ryan from the Dice Tower. The cards are REALLY beautiful.

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I'm Completely Obsessed

The game-play sounds a bit like Dungeon Raiders – a fun little game that was released last year.

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Advanced Grader
Gamer - Level 4

It´s on my top 5 games to buy. Great artwork.

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Very intersted. I really want to play this one.:)

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Intermediate Reviewer
Chief Inspector
El Dorado

This really does look awesome. I will see if they’ve got it in stock at my local FGS.

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Pet Lover
Novice Reviewer


I’ve only read 20th Century Ghosts, but there are some fantastic stories there. I remember working in a bookstore when Heart-Shaped Box was released; if you look at his jacket photo, it’s pretty hard not to guess he’s related to Stephen King! 🙂

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Joe Hill is a fantastic writer, so the game intrigues me on that level. Not many seem to know he is the son of Stephen King – which is probably good, as he seems to be developing a reputation in his own right. I highly recommend Heart-Shaped Box. It’s a great read.

I may have to check this out… **** you pocket-book killers!

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Count / Countess Beta 1.0 Tester Beta 2.0 Tester
Cryptozoic Entertainment fan

Jim, I played this game with a bunch of boys ages 10-17 and they really liked it.

These boys btw the are a hardcore war gamers so, that’s saying something.

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
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I’ve been pleasantly surprised that this is becoming a favorite game of my wife and friends who are casual players. In fact, I broke this game out with some friends who rarely ever play games and they really enjoyed it!

They didn’t know about the graphic novel, so they were a bit confused at what the mechanics had to do with the theme, but it didn’t deter from their enjoyment. I’d be curious to know if this game played well with a family with teenagers. Seems to me the comic book theme would appeal to young adults, and the cooperative mechanics would be good in a family setting.

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