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Arimaa is easy to learn even for youngsters. The rules are quite simple with a few subtleties such as freezing and the way rabbits cannot step backwards. These (subtle) rules result in a complex and interesting board game. Top players are often unsure about which moves are best in certain positions. However, even newbies are able to describe what is happening in a game just by looking at the board. The Arimaa community has developed a rich vocabulary to help play and discuss Arimaa games.
When first learning Arimaa, you must focus on capturing pieces, keeping your own pieces safe, and stopping your opponent’s rabbits from goaling. As you become comfortable with capture patterns, you will learn to look for other positional advantages such as hostages, frames, and blockades. Eventually, you will be able to focus on the tensions of having an active yet safe camel and choosing when to race for goal.
In many games, it is clear what objective each player is working towards, but entirely unclear which player will come out on top. This simultaneous clarity and depth is why I love Arimaa. Each game has a unique feel, and I always sense that there is more strategy to learn.