With the boom of touch screen devices, board games can now be properly re-created in digital form. What makes digital board games so exciting is that most are created with online multiplayer, local “pass and play”, and single player vs. AI. Now the dilema of not having someone to play with is no longer an issue!
Here are some of our site features related to digital board games:
- A “Digital Board Games” link has been added to the main navigation drop-down under “Games.”
- The color green is being used as a visual cue.
- App store, Android Market and other store quick links are included in the publisher overviews to make it easy to go straight to where you can buy the game on your device.

Below is a list of the digital board games we’ve added to the site so far.

Small World
Days of Wonder
Carcassonne for Android
Hans im Glück Verlag, The Coding Monkeys
Carcassonne for iOS
Hans im Glück Verlag, The Coding Monkeys
Ticket to Ride iPad
Days of Wonder
Hey, Thats My Fish!
Fantasy Flight Games
Elder Sign: Omens
Fantasy Flight Games
Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer
Gary Games, Playdek Inc.
Forbidden Island
Gamewright, Button Mash Games Inc.
Food Fight iOS
Cryptozoic Entertainment, Playdek Inc.
Ticket to Ride Pocket
Days of Wonder
Alderac Entertainment Group, Playdek Inc.

Not a bad game in the bunch.
This is a great addition and I just hope my favorite digital games (almost always digital version of great boardgames, somehow…
will appear here. Some already has..
It’s interesting to see how fast real world boardgames are starting to roll out as video/computer games.
If anyone is interested in a good place to play games online, regular board games, check out Yucata.de and its wide selection. It features play-by-post (asynchronous turns, technically) style against live opponents. Its easy, and fun, give it a try. Feel free to send me an invitation when you try it!
I really appreciate the addition of digital board games to the site. There’s nothing quite like sitting down across the table to play a physical game, but having access to a digital copy is great when you don’t have someone close by to play against.
For some games, eliminating setup makes the game even more enjoyable. I know I’ve played my Ascension and Ticket to Ride apps way more than I’ll ever play the physical copies.
This is a great improvement, can’t wait to start exploring right now!
It seems to me like it should be easier to get from the digital game page to the corresponding board game page and vice versa. Out of a couple games I checked, one of the board games had a link from its main page directly to the digital game page, but the other did not, and neither of the digital games had a link back to the original.
Very cool! Glad to see this update.
Fantastic addition to the site and very useful! (I do wish we’d get some more boardgames added though as there’s still a ton of very well-known games from the past five years that are missing.
Great addition! It also would be neat to have a link for web versions of games. On Facebook, there are some Knizia games (Lost Cities, Take it Easy, Pickomino) and Thunderstone.
good to have these
happy they’re seperate, though being ana android user tbh we seem to not get much love from bg manufacturers 
Nice one! Great to see this site improvement. There are many different apps for the ‘Catan’ series of games too, on many platforms.
Yes. I like that there is going to be a section for the digital versions of the boardgames. The geek doesn’t have this and it’s a pain to check for them or just to reference on which devices they are available.
I got a bunch of friends who love the Ascension app, but I’m really looking forward to the Summoner Wars app being put out by the same guys.
Cool time to be a board gamer when even the popular tech of the day is being used to spread the word of how cool these games can be.
I wish they also made Small World for the iPhone, but I guess that would make it a very small world.