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About Me
I've only started playing new board games in July, but I'm officially hooked. Started by revisiting Carcassonne, then played Dominion, then played Ascension, then Quarriors!. I'm now actively growing my collection and playing as much as possible.
First, let me say I love Dominion. It was the first “designer” board game I played, it was the first deck builder I played and it was the game that essentially got me into the hobby.
Dominion is fast, it’s accessible, and it’s easy for anyone to jump in and start playing. I’ve never taught Dominion to someone and have them say, “I can’t get my head around the strategy,” or “This game isn’t for me.” It’s a game you’ll have no trouble whatsoever getting to the table. So in that regard, I highly recommend it.
But how does it show its age? Why am I giving it a 7? First, the expansions. There are some expansions out there that I like better than the original 2008 Dominion. Second, the growth of the genre. There are so many good deck builders out there now, that you’d be doing yourself a disservice to play Dominion exclusively.
Is giving a game a 7 because I like some expansions or some other entries in the genre fair? Perhaps not — the two points above would lead me to give Dominion an 8. But the last point I took off was for the (disputable) aspect of the game I like least – the solitary feel. Yes, there is *some* interaction in Dominion, but there isn’t a lot. As I’ve grown as a board gamer, I’ve come to appreciate player interaction, and I wish Dominion had more. (That’s what the expansions are for!)
Don’t get me wrong, I still recommend Dominion to every type of gamer. But keeping all those points in mind, I think 7 is a fair grade.
– Easy to teach, easy to learn
– Accessible to all types of gamers
– Never hard to get to the table
– (Slight) lack of player interaction
– Set up and break down take time
– Lots of shuffling