Corey Young
gamer level 8
36152 xp
36152 xp
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 4)
1565 xp
1565 xp
Explorer (lvl 3)
1047 xp
1047 xp
Professor (lvl 4)
1654 xp
1654 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
170 xp
170 xp
About Me
I design boardgames and card games. One of my designs is on the brink of being published. Watch this space for details.
My favorite games are light strategy boardgames that I can play with my kids - e.g. Survive, RoboRally and Carcassonne.
We’ve been having a great time with Farmageddon. It’s become our new ice-breaker on game night.
The premise is simple – plant and grow your crops, then harvest them for points. Meanwhile, you’ll be sabotaging your neighbors’ farms with Gophers, Genetic Superworms and Foreclosures. Of course, they’ll be doing the same to you.
Play is quick, but not rushed. I like a game we can talk over.
The cards are balanced. I like that they are multipurpose as well, so you’ll always have something to do during your turn. I also like the high level of player interaction. Three players seems to be the sweet spot.
The game is well-produced, with very clever art. I highly recommend it.