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What are you playing this weekend? (Aug 17)

Posted by Jim {Power Gamer} | 17-Aug-12 | 41 comments

We’re busy but having an absolute blast at our booth at Gen Con. It’s been great seeing users of the site in person! We’ve seen some great games that have come out and are coming soon.

We’ll post more photos and talk more about Gen Con once we’re back, so on with the discussion of what everyone is playing this weekend!

Comments (41)

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GenCon weekend, played:
Defenders of the Realm, Puerto Rico, (demo) Tsuro of the Seas, Crokinole, DnD (RPGA x2), True Dungeon, T2R, Memoir, Resistance, Werewolf, Risk Legacy, & D-Day Dice.

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@ TheEduhater

I hear ya man! Gen Con always got me rev’ed up to play games after we got home! Maybe a day of extended sleep to get the batteries recharged, but otherwise it was another solid week or two of gaming trying out new games, new decks, new strategies, etc. I can’t wait to get back to Gen Con

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The Big Cheese 2012
Weasel - Level 1

You’d think GenCon would cause gaming burnout, but there is Roleplay, Magic The Gathering, and everyone pulling out the games we bought to try out out at the lake cabin this weekend.

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@ Jim

Great photos, glad Gen Con was a huge success!!

I really need to put up a new review this week, I’m getting stale and moldy!

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Saturday is Guild Wars 2… so I’ll be taking a break from board games for that day! But I hope to get Thunderstone Advance–it’s one I’ve been dying to try!

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Just uploaded photos of us at Gen Con on our facebook page!

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Unicorn Clan - Legend of the Five Rings

I’m looking for a place to put this. I know this isn’t a game played, but I discovered it when I was adding to my games played. I couldn’t decide where to post this quesion, but here goes: the icons on my profile page are now incorrect. An example is that Ascension now shows up as Flashpoint: Fire Rescue, and there appear to be a few others. I’m not sure what the issue is, but I wanted to point this out.

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I was at GenCon so I did lots of demos. Spartacus was a great board game. Have to get it.

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The Star Wars game I’m in came to a pausing point this Saturday. We’ll be levelling our characters up twice (bringing us to level 8), then completely switching gears for a while, moving to an Old Republic game with new characters and a new GM.

I also got in a couple of games of Race for the Galaxy between Friday and Saturday. The first introduced the goals from the first expansion to my sister, and the second was a solitaire game using the cardboard robot.

On Sunday I was able to play a game of Settlers of Catan with my family. It had been months and months since anybody but I had played it (my father and sister in particular), so it was a lot of fun bringing it back to the table.

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Might have to put this con on the list for next year!

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Order of the Stick!

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Had a great gaming weekend! Sad to see it go…

ps, Durin’s Bane is BRUTAL!! (discussion over at the Lord of the Rings LCG page)

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Coloretto, Carcassonne, and No Thanks. I’m trying to get my mother-in-law to play some different games instead of Quiddler and Scrabble. I found a really old game called Probe. It’s like Hangman but with more people and a scoring element as well.

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The Big Cheese 2012
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Everything! Werewolf, Ticket to ride, Nascrag, Catan, Munchkin, Fealty, Rowboat, Axis And Allies, and so many more i cant even reember. Long Live GenCon!

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The Silver Heart

Cargo Noir, Galaxy Trucker (with expansion), Zombie Dice, Spank the Monkey and the highpoint Lords of Waterdeep.

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I’ve been playing more Infiltration with my oldest son. My youngest loves King of Tokyo. I’ll also be playing Eclipse again this weekend. I just got a small new expansion to add. It will be a light, but good gaming weekend with the family.

Almost forgot, we are starting up a GURPS game… made characters and ready for some Banestorm… and I don’t have to GM. Good times.

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Ok, I may be a bit mono-themed here. Space Alert. For the 4th weekend in a row. Don’t see it changing anytime near too.

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The Big Cheese 2012
Went to Gen Con 2012

By a suggestion… 7 Wonders. It has a great draft mechanic and I know will be a hit with our gaming groups.

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The Big Cheese 2012

I played a ton of games at Gencon. I had a blast demoing Four Taverns this afternoon. Thanks to the awesome vendors who were so knowledgeable and patient going through Ground Hog Day with all the noobs.

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Mage Knight:The Board Game. I’ve always wanted to go to GenCon but I hate large crowds :/

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