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Forbidden Island
The aim of the game is to find four ancient artifact on a sinking island and then manage to get out of the island in time before it sinks completely. On a player’s turn you will execture actions – you have the option to move, give your artifact cards to another player, get an artifact (if you have 4 of its cards) or fortify the tile you are standing to prevent it from sinking. After that you will randomly draw two artifact cards and several tiles of the island from a stack and those tiles will sink. That’s basically about it.
Well, it’s a matter of personal taste, but most of the people I play with say that the art on the tiles is very nice. The artifacts though – they actually look like pieces of treasure – big plus here. Other than that, the game has around 100 cards which are standard for what you would expect in a modern boardgame.
I must admit I have a problem here. Forbidden Island is a really good gateway, its extremely easy to explain and the co-op nature of the game makes it even more suited for newcomers. On the other hand it is simple to the point of being simplistic. I don’t really find any reason to come back to if after two plays, other than bringing new people into boardgames. Imagine basic Pandemic (which is simple in itself) and then make a game twice as simple and here you have Forbidden Island.