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68 out of 100 gamers thought this was helpful

Mage Knight is a fantastic single player game that’s also enjoyable with 2-3 players.

It’s an interesting blend of deck building, dungeon crawling and light RPG. While it seems intimidating, the rules are logical and well designed, and the rule book does a fantastic job walking you through a sample game.

The game allows for a lot of different experiences depending on your style, and has a lot of rules that work out great (being able to discard any card for a basic boost, for instance), and doesn’t ever feel like you’re playing a limited version of what it wants to be – if you’re playing solo, it’s a full fledged solo experience. If you’re playing coop, the rules require cooperation and make it fun. If you’re playing vs, it does a great job giving everyone a chance.

While the game is long, it’s always enjoyable. It’s best as a solo game, and a great way to spend an evening, but is good for 2-3 players as well, especially if everyone is sufficiently geeky.

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