First off, Happy Thanksgiving to all! This wonderful holiday has allowed us to get our weekend gaming started off much sooner! We’ve gotten in a few games of Resistance, as well as Zombicide, Thundersone Advance with the Caverns of Bane Expasnion, and Startcraft: The Board Game! Not sure what we’ll be pulling out next, but the weekend will definitely be filled with games and great times with friends and family!
What are you playing this weekend?
Nothing this weekend, since I have to work saturday, but did introduce the family to Smash Up over Thanksgiving and I defiantly have some converts to the game.
Visiting the family over the last few days. During the visit, I’ve taught a few games, and we’ve had fun playing. All together, we’ve gotten in two games of Last Night on Earth, two games of Smash Up, and one game of Ticket To Ride.
Played Keyflower since it seemed the pilgrimy thing to do for Thanksgiving. Even though I got Puritan all over her (103 to 77 was the score), she liked it and wants to try it again.
All day gaming day today. Hope to get tons of games in! Also looking to skip the lesson in Sunday School this weekend and play some Resistance Avalon.
Packed Star Trek Fleet Captains, Food Fight, Smash Up, Tsuro, Zooloretto, King of Tokyo, and Forbidden Island in the game crate for the family to try.
Hosting a Black Friday Game Day. Avoid shopping!! Play games instead, you’ll have less stress!
Already started the gaming weekend; tought my wife both Thunderstone (Advance) and San Juan. She prefers Thundersone; half a surprise as she likes Dominion, but I was expecting the theme to maybe be a problem.
This weekend I am finally not abroad on conferences and the like. I look forward to Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, Talisman, and hopefully some Ticket to Ride as well.
We played Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries yesterday. Today, we’re playing Finca. Saturday, I’m planning a few games of Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures. I’d also like to play Metropolys sometime during the weekend, it’s been a while.
Although we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in the Netherlands, I am visiting my parents and sisters this weekend. I’ll try to get my sisters to play Citadels, Guillotine or Vroeger of Later (a Dutch game about history, you could translate it as Earlier or Later). Let’s see if I’ll succeed!
Started the weekend off by introducing the family to RAILWAYS OF THE WORLD. They were overwhelmed at first, but when we finished they asked me to bring it back at Christmas!
Friday was our annual Black Friday All-Day Game Day!
We started Thanksgiving off yesterday at work with some 7 Wonders during lunch hour. Our second time playing during lunch.
Today our family played some BattleLine, Ticket to Ride, and Dixit. We might get some more in this weekend.