Upcoming Games
Love Letter
Alderac Entertainment Group | 2012 Q4 (December)
Bonsai Entertainment | 2013 Q1

Recently Released
Game of Thrones: The Card Game
Fantasy Flight Games
Last Night on Earth: Timber Peak expansion
Flying Frog Productions
Ground Floor
Tasty Minstrel Games
Go Goblin, Go!
Twilight Creations Inc.
ElfinWerks, Scribabs
Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery
Gale Force Nine
Asmodee, Hurrican Games
Timeline: Events

Released Before 2012
Avalon Hill, Hasbro, Wizards of the Coast
ElfinWerks, Placentia Games
Lo Scarabeo
River Horse
Turanga {expansion}
River Horse

Thank you for Sidibaba and Diplomacy! 😀
I keep hearing a lot of good things about Spartacus, I really want to try it out.
@ Kaleb – Diplomacy is a game you cannot play with immature people, and I don’t say that to be mean, just prudent. I played it once in my late teens and swore off it as people got really, really upset. Now though that I’m in my forties I think my current gaming friends, myself included, could handle it. It’s a great game for the right crowd, but if I’m going to play an older game that takes all day I’d much rather play Advanced Civilization.
As for adding games they do prioritize newer games usually. I think there are some games I submitted almost a year ago that still haven’t been added, but it’s been almost a year so I could be mistaken. 🙂
Nice to see Spartacus on the list. I haven’t had a chance to play the game yet but I do own it. Come to think of it, it has shades of Diplomacy in it, so I should probably be careful who I play it with. 😛
While I know Diplomacy is a classic, I’ve always avoided it due to the many horror stories of lost friendships from backstabbing in it.
Always good to see new games being added, and I know very few of these – still so many more to add! How long does it take, on average, for a game to get added here after someone submits it online?
Well done for adding Diplomacy! Thank you!
Yes, it is great that Diplomacy was added. I am also glad to see Game of Thrones: The Card Game. I am really looking forward to upcoming reviews of it.
I was really glad that Diplomacy was added! One of the best games I know. Thanks!