Summoner Wars
Plaid Hat Games, Playdek Inc.
Big Daddy’s Creations
Monster Chase
Snowed In Studios
Le Havre
Sage Board Games
Ghost Stories
Repos Production
Valley Games
Neuroshima Hex
Big Daddy’s Creations, Portal Publishing
Mayfair Games, USM
The Magic Labyrinth
KIDDINX Entertainment GmbH

Suggestion: Assassin’s Creed: Recollection
I’m kind of on the fence when it comes to digital boardgames. Wasn’t the whole point of boardgaming to meet the people face-to-face? I mean, sure, I have played Carcassonne or Tickets online, but for me the best thing in boardgames is the laughs / chit-chat / whatever I can have while playing with my gaming group.
If the rumors are to be believed, Apple will release a smaller form factor iPad in a few months that (hopefully) will run iPad iOS apps unchanged at a smaller pixel density (i.e., smaller images but with same number of dots on the screen) and at a greatly reduced cost. We’ll find out for sure in September.
@Andy & @b0bb33z3r
You are right Andy. The only functionality of an iPhone that the iTouch lacks in 4th generation is that it isn’t a telephone, so no phone calls and texting over a cell network. Heck, with the addition of a microphone and the right app, there is no reason that this device wouldn’t work as a VoIP device.
Just got Le Havre on my iPhone and played my first game. It’s been awhile since I’ve played but still managed to win against the AI players. Mind you, it was on easy.
Honestly, I forgot all about the iPod touch! Thanks for the reminder! I will definitely be looking into getting one, even if it’s a refurb, since I’ll only really be playing games and listening to music. Hmm, I’m suddenly much more excited about digital Ticket to Ride and digital Summoner Wars! 🙂
Ad then you can play Summoner Wars on the IOS! That is reason enough by itself to buy an iWhatever 🙂
You probably know this, but just in case (it was news to me not that long ago), a cheaper option is an iPod Touch. I’m too cheap to get a smart phone and data plan, but a WiFi device that plays boardgame apps was easier to stomach (and it counted as a Christmas gift). A 4th generation iPod Touch will take care of all of your iPhone gaming needs, while giving you most of the features (so far as I know) of an iPhone.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much it’s opened up my gaming experience. If you are ever considering adding to your collection, I’d highly recommend taking a look.
I lack an Android too. I have a crackberry, it’s work issued, but hey, as long as they’re paying for my service, I’ll take it. 😛
Other platforms would be cool at some point though 🙂
Some of these work on the Android, but apple is getting most of the love. We’re going to work on getting digital games that work on other platforms like PCs and consoles like Xbox360 and PS3.
Not having an iphone/ipad makes these updates bittersweet.
Im getting an iPhone on Wednesday. Im going to go crazy! Im really looking forward to trying out Summoner Wars.
Is Memior ’44 online F2P (free to play)? Or is it a stand alone purchase?
Several games on the list that I will be inyeresyed to see how they compare to”real” editions of the game.
of course, then I find it 2 secs later.
Also, be nice if we had a way to filter the game selection based on “digital” not just platform.
Now I see the article. 🙂 Thanks for the great updates, Jim.
Definitely need to get Memoir ’44 Online on here.