gamer level 5
5628 xp
5628 xp
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 3)
715 xp
715 xp
Explorer (lvl 0)
70 xp
70 xp
Professor (lvl 3)
663 xp
663 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
151 xp
151 xp
About Me
I love playing board games! Have been an avid board gamer for the last 25 years.
I currently am working on a prototype for my own game and am working with an illustrator to add the look to go with the game play. Be looking for Nikao in the future.
I am currently playing Talisman, Shadows over Camelot, Junta, The Farming Game, Perudo, Axis and Allies, Tikal, Dominion!!!, Ticket to Ride, Risk, 7 Wonders, Pirate's Cove, The Fluxx games and Zombie Dice.
Zombie Dice
If you are looking for: an in depth strategy game, a game that keeps you interested for hours straight, or one that balances intriguing game moves with managing money or armies, this isn’t the game for you.
What Zombie dice does is fit its niche very well. Zombie dice is a quick game that can be pulled out and played at a table during a fast food meal, on a desk before class, sitting at a bus stop, pretty much anywhere where you have 5-25 minutes you want to kill. During that amount of time, so many other board games just aren’t feasible to set up start and play, but zombie dice easily fits the bill.
The gist of the game is to score the most points. Points are accumulated by collecting “brains.” Players roll dice which have one of three images per side (brains, footprints, shotgun blast) During a turn a player pulls three of the ten dice from the container and rolls them. Any brains or shotgun blasts he sets to the side. The brains count as points, the shotgun blasts take away life. The footprints represent a reroll. If the player set to the side any brains or shotgun blasts he replaces those dice with more from the container so that he is always rolling three dice. The player wants to accumulate as many brains as possible but his turn ends (and all points are lost) the moment he has rolled three shotgun blasts, so strategy is needed to figure out when to stop rolling pass the dice to the next player and “bank” those brains. The dice have different colors representing different difficulties. (Green, easy has only 1 shotgun blast on it, red, hard has 3 shotgun blasts that can be rolled)
Again this game is simple, can be played by children as young as 4-5, but still is a great laugher when you are trying to fill time with your friends.
For the price, its an easy game to acquire and I recommend you pick it up.