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7 Wonders
I convinced my mom to buy this game for me last Christmas because it would allow us to play with the entire family. Little did I know that it would soon become one of our most played, favorite games.
I have taught this game to a lot of different people and there is usually a blank stare as I try to explain the icons and the methods of scoring. However, as soon as we play a couple of rounds it clicks.
Things we love:
1. Quick playing time
2. Handles lots of players
3. Easy to learn
4. Feels like you are building something
5. Doesn’t have any “gotcha” mechanics
Things that are tough:
1. Hard to explain – you really just need to get people playing
2. Sitting next to an experienced player can be a disadvantage
3. Difficult to choose a single strategy and stick with it sometimes.
Like I said in the title, this has become our most played game this year. We love to play two or three times in a sitting and can involve everyone in our family. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to any family gamers.