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Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.

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Shadows over Camelot
Shadows over Camelot is a cooperative game, meaning players work together to “beat” the board. This is made interesting with the inclusion of a potential traitor who is trying to foil the plans of the Knights and cause them to lose. This keeps players a little on edge, unsure of what kinds of things they can trust their fellow knights to do. All this takes place on an stunningly attractive board. The components of this game really make it. The amount of nice looking cardboard and plastic that comes with this is great.
The actual mechanics of the game are a little boring, and the game is balanced very different depending on how many people are playing. Less than 5 players? The traitor is going to have an easy time winning? More than 5 players? The traitor is going to have a difficult time. Furthermore, the number of ways a traitor has to make an impact on the outcome is limited. The only major mechanic a traitor has is to play evil quest cards face down and lie about the severity of the value, or to play quest cards where they are not needed. Of course, the Traitor can always accuse other players of being a traitor, sewing doubt.
In short, Shadows over Camelot is a fun game, but is not without its flaws. For a similar game that does “Coop with a hidden bad-guy” better, check out Battlestar Galactica.