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Cosmic Encounter
An extremely easy to learn game. Go out there and capture 5 planets! But each subsequent game can add a new mechanic into the wheel that is cosmic encounter. Now artifacts, now technologies, now flare cards.
“So TheBrokenTrees, in what way is this game like a Wheel” I hear you ask!
Because the rules are constantly changing with each game. You can never guarantee which 5 aliens will be picked, nor which players will aid who in the coming conflicts. Even player alliances cannot hinder the Wheel that is Cosmic Encounter, which just rolls right over them. Red and Green have stoically aided one another in the previous two battles? Too bad, this turn the game has set them against one another and they will have to come to blows. I can happily say that I have never played a game of this that become tedious because it mirrored a previous game.
I would have given this game a 6/5 on the ‘Replay Value’ scale if would have let me.
I can find no fault with the game length either, which, in a manner that is perfect for a gateway game, comes in usually at 60 – 90 minutes. Just writing this review makes me want to invite you over and play this game with you!
As a last note, I’m not one that usually subscribes to the buying of expansions. Why bother when you can buy a whole new game? But I’d give these ones a look if you enjoy the main game.