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Each player has a farm board of 3×5 squares,representing the land you own. It’s here you expand your house, plow your fields and fence your pastures. The design is up to you, the 15 squares (minus the 2 representing your starting house) are at your disposal.
The main game board is little less than a collection of “action fields” representing turn actions like “plow a field”, “expand your house”, “sow your fields”, “collect wood”, “go fishing”, “collect sheep”and much more. Some of these action fields get “loaded” with stuff each turn, like the “collect wood” field gets loaded with 3 wood each turn (if no one wants to collect wood one turn, it’ll have 6 wood next turn and so on), and some are simply “you get 1 each time you go here”, like the “take 1 grain” action.
You start off with 2 family members (man and wife), so in the beginning you get to do twice each turn. The catch is, each action can only be taken once per turn. So if your opponent decided to sow his fields on his go, your plow gets magically unusable.
The goal is to build a good farm in a set number of turns. You get points for basically everything you’ve done, the size of your house and family, the number of plowed fields, the amount of grain and vegetables, the number of pastures, the amount of animals you have… and you get a minus point for each piece of land you haven’t used up and each thing you have nothing of. For example, if you have no sheep, you get -1 points. And if you have no cattle, you get another -1. All of these things are valued differently, so scoring at the end is a little tongue-in-cheek, but that’s not only bad. You can also get points if you’ve built something nice, like a cooking hearth. The only thing you don’t get points for are surplus raw materials (like wood and clay), although you can during the game build things like “table-carpentry” or “basket maker” which will give you points for surplus wood and straw, respectively.
So, the game is basically a race for the raw materials to expand your farm. You want a bigger family, you first have to expand your house. To expand your house, you need wood and straw. If the other farmers took it, you need another plan. Plow a field to later sow it and gain tons of grain? Or build some fences so you can house all those animals?