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Cooperative Game Explorer
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Explore 10 games in the Cooperative Games Collection. view the collection >

Gamer - Level 5
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Follow a total of 20 games
Follow a total of 20 games
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
485 xp
485 xp
Explorer (lvl 2)
658 xp
658 xp
Professor (lvl 2)
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311 xp
Reporter (lvl 2)
371 xp
371 xp
About Me
I play just about everything...at least once. I tend to shy away from heavier wargaming but do like the lighter stuff like Warhammer and the like.
With a family now I am really interested in how games help child development and have been building a more family centric collection that can be used as my daughter, and future kids, get older.
Talisman Fourth Edition…finally! I have played and loved this game for a long time now but by the time I started building my collection everything was out of print and copies were pretty expensive. I had been out of the boardgame community for some time and when I came back about two months ago I decided that the reprint of this game was something I had to get.
So lets talk components…lots of them…
The Box itself is another large box and once you break everything down you notice that you don’t really need all that space…maybe with expansions but for the core game there is a lot of empty space…looking at it it seems like cards should go there but they don’t really need to as they all fit in the larger card slots just fine.
Also, the plastic insert has a large slot for the character sheets. This slot is another waste of space…look how big it is for fitting a dozen or so thin character sheets…that’s another thing that seems pretty ******.
The Character Sheet cards are flimsy stock compared to the other chits I had to punch out. I would have much rather seen these with some added bulk to them since it seems like I will be handling them a little bit.
In contrast, the miniatures are great! A good amount of detail and emotion to them.
Best of all is that they are not pre-painted! I am a former miniatures gamer and while I do not play miniatures games very often anymore I still do love to paint miniatures. I will be getting down with these sometime in the future.
They will look great on the big old game board that it some with…look at my hand next to this monstrosity! My one complaint is that it was a little awkward to unfold at first and I got worried for a second that I would rip the binding on some of it.
Again though, in contrast…look at the size of the cards
These things are small…where the **** am I supposed to find sleeves for these things?
Going back to all the empty space in the box why not provide us with some full sized cards? I mean they would fit in the box just fine and I wouldn’t have to try and find some specialized card sleeves for them.
The dice and other components are nice, good card stock and die-cut on them. The Dice are really nice, at least the color anyway…who knows, they could be cursed for all I know but they look good.
This games has over exaggerated features; monster board and small micro cards. Some components are very well built and very nice; Miniatures, Dice and Chits. While the character sheet cards are flimsy.
I would have liked them to use the space in the box and make larger cards…they would have fit just fine and I would have been able to sleeve them at some point. I would also like to see thicker stock used for the Character Sheets…I hope my 15 month old never get a hold of these things.
You may say they could save space by using a smaller box but they would have to shrink the board to do that and the board is beautiful…it shouldn’t be touched