[update 11:17 MDT 8-23-11] If you experienced this bug, you should be able to go back to your professor and critic quest status pages, and they will update to the correct status. Also… the editing of your comments is still in the works, currently on your profile page you can delete tips, news comments, and discussion comments.
Many you may have noticed that the Critic and Professor quests are all out of whack. The GOOD news is that the reason these bugs are appearing is because we’re working on a system that will allow you to delete/edit your tips and other comments (a highly requested feature)!
This is a challenging endeavor, because by deleting a comment or tip, we need to also update your quest status by removing the xp gained, grades given, etc.
We’ll have this resolved soon, try to avoid hitting your screen with a fly swatter, as that will not help the issue. (sorry, that was a bit cheesy)
To see what updates we’re making and when,
check out the Updates Page >
When I try to change avatar to any one I own I get message “Cannot compute” (and nothing is changing 😉 ). Is it normal? 😉
I second that!
We have rewards for positive feedback already (well, for the number of positive feedbacks not for percentage but I guess it’s enough).
In fact I still grade reviews and tips I’ve read so I’d gladly see higher “grader” quests. 🙂
Yes, that’s my thoughts. In both cases, you would be penalized for not writing a good review up front… which should compel users to create good content from here on out.
NOTE: I’d also like to see rewards given out for reviews with the most thumbs during a time period. This would encourage the best possible review, and refinements as well. The rewards could be given each month… week… whatever seems appropriate for the reward. Maybe… the best reviewed review is featured, etc. You could also have “reviewer of the Month” for aggregate totals, etc.
What about adding a bonus little perk to a persons avatar if they sustain a certain percentage of positive articles (tips, reviews, etc.)
Say I have posted 10 articles; if all of them have a thumbs equal to or greater than 50% positive I have 5 Gold Stars on my Avatar, if 8 out of 10 have 50% or better I have 4, and so on.
I agree, the purpose of the site is good content. If you allowed people to delete their posts and post again freely, it encourages spammy posts because there’s no reason to not post as many posts as you can. It doesn’t matter if most people thumb it down, cause you can always delete it and post again. It doesn’t cost you anything.
I like your suggestion about being able to edit freely, but retaining previous thumbs up/down. They’ll already have been hurt badly from a bad review, so rewriting it as an edit won’t help them as much as deleting and writing a new one.
Okay … everybody, now that you can edit comments, game tips, and reviews, I suspect we’ll have another round of bugs and issues.
You can join the development forum at BoardGamingDev.proboards.com if you want to report and discuss bugs and stuff.
Yes, but the goal of the site is good content, and to build in deterrents to creating the best possible reviews is not conducive to bettering site content. I would propose:
1) The ability to edit the existing review as much as you want in order to get it right… but, retaining any BAD marks that you have received.
2) The ability to completely delete the review and history at a cost to start fresh.
The site is a game for some of us, but it will be a source of information for most, and I think the ability to edit at will is important.
That and $4.00 will buy you a latte at Starbucks.
Whether to make us pay or not is a hard decision to make. To fix typos and such, yes, it should be free. But to entirely delete and/or rewrite something we’ve written, that should come at a price. And that’s not an easy thing to differentiate automatically.
I agree with padragan: I see the “edit” option as a good way to remove typos and grammar errors from the entries. If it costs more than 1 gold it will be rarely used.
I think it would be a wise move to let editing be free. Now that I look back at my reviews and game tips there are spelling errors as well as faulty grammar in them (I blame my keyboard and the fact that english is not my first language), and I’d like to fix that. If you must pay to clean up your own text some people may refrain from doing it, resulting in less quality texts.
/ Padragan
Editing is a wonderful addition. Too often we say things in haste that we regret upon reflection. A perfect way to offset human nature.
I can’t wait to edit! Will the cost be different for editing? Can we edit for free?
Keep up the good work!
I just noticed that when looking at my critics quest page I’m listed as critic lvl 3, but the xp says -90 / 800… To me that sounds like I really should be a lvl 2 but wasn’t reversed after the craziness the other day. Just a tip if you want to hunt down bugs.
Kind regards
/ Padragan
I added the Delete links for reviews today. BUT, don’t get trigger happy, because it costs 50G and the editing feature will be available eventually.
My stats and quests look back OK.
deleting a post is a good option, editing will be even better.
Hip hip horray!
Editing will be great especially as you can go back and add more information and keep your review current with your opinion of the game. On a sad note my hundreds of free yes clicks are gone ;(
Awesome news!
Keep up the great work.
Have you made a quest for “number of hours forgoing sleep to work on the site”? Sounds like a secret Explorer quest to me!
Ururam, I have that same issue with the professor quest. 😛 I assume one thing that isn’t “undone” is losing your professor level. But that really just means you got the level sooner (free brag slot!). It’s too bad I can’t make use of the fifth slot made available to me though.
Update: Everything looks ok now, xp restored to correct level (both total sum and for the different gaming types), the quest triggered complete by the whacky numbers are now reset to NOT complete, all stats on positive feedback and number of contributions seem to be correct.
All in all, I cannot find anything not working. =)