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I have the kickstarter version that has more buildings than the regular boxed version so it has more options. You have a track and it has the 4 resources and their values ranging from $2 -$5 depending on where they are on the track with 1 resource per value. On your turn you can rise money by selling resources. While you sell the value of a good at that value-i.e. I can sell 2 of the $2 goods by taking the action any extra goods of that type are usually then lost. Your action i taken by placing your marker on a building. Everybody has their own building that allows you to gain 1 good type. However, you must always start your turn by moving to a new building and that is your action for the turn. Additionally, normally, no 2 markers can occupy the same space. You have tracks on your home card so you can see how much of each good you have. You then sell them in any combination to pay for a building or buildings. As I said earlier selling a good wipes out all of that good but only earns money for a quantity equal to the value. So if I have 5 of the $2 good I gain $4 but lose all 5 goods. When a player finishes their purchase(s) the market sets to new values using a set rotation system. Each building has a cost and victory point value as well as a game effect. For someone else to use your building will cost them a good(whether you can use it or not) and the game ends when someone has built 4 buildings. This is a good 3-4 player game but not to good at 1-2 players.