Added Games:
Monopoly Deal Card Game
Puzzle Strike
Dream Factory
Space Hulk
Axis & Allies Europe 1940
Axis & Allies Pacific 1940
Axis & Allies Guadalcanal
Axis & Allies Battle of The Bulge
Axis & Allies D-Day
Call of Cthulhu LCG: Core Set
Ghost Stories

Added Expansions:
Rattus: Pied Piper
Kingsburg: To Forge a Realm
BattleLore: Code of Chivalry

Newly Released Expansions:
July 1, 2011 – 7 Wonders: Leaders

Love Axis and Allies
You can suggest games to add on the feedback page… We’re pretty quick at getting them up. There should be s feedback tab on the lower right side of the browser window, no matter what page you’re on. Or click here to get there.
Is there a way to suggest games to add to the site? I wonder if it would be possible for you to pull in content from Amazon or BGG to save you the work.
I love that you added the Axis and Allies games. Axis and Allies is a classic and a must have for a board game site.