BattleLore: Code of Chivalry
Code of Chivalry is a human Army Pack for BattleLore that lets you swell the ranks of your armies, and it features knights, arbalestiers, and lancers!
Code of Chivalry comes complete with two new unit types as well as two unit types previously released in the Hundred Years War and the Scottish Wars expansions. These units will easily bolster the forces of any Human army, giving players more options during their BattleLore games.
Also included in this expansion are 6 new Call to Arms Deployment cards so players can customize their adventures. Rather than using the pre-constructed armies found in the adventure book, players can choose to use these Call to Arms Deployment cards to create an army of their own design.
Finally, Code of Chivalry comes with four new adventures to give players a knightly challenge for their new units!
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another expansion for Battlelore. Last one. By FFG.
some additional rules
still avaliable for purchase
one of a better expansion for the set…