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Gave My First Grade


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Zombie Fluxx

44 out of 58 gamers thought this was helpful

The great thing about the Fluxx franchise and, this in particular, is the fact that they are all compatible with each other but offer their unique take on a simple concept. What if you took a game and made it impossible to play the same way twice.

Given that simple premise and add everyone’s favorite topic ZOMBIES it is hard to imagine anyone not liking this game whether they are familiar with the original, a variation, or brand new.

Takes less than 10min to explain the rules and my favorite time to play it was between classes in college. I could sit down with a number of friends and breeze through the rules and play several rounds before people had to disperse for class.

Plays well with two people, though less interesting, and being able to add more mid game adds to the whole experience.

As a final note my personal favorite ending for this game is the Zombie Apocalypse where basically everyone loses and the Zombies win.

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