Bill Hartman
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About Me
I am a middle-aged adult living in Pennsylvania, USA. My gaming experiences growing up were primarily Parker Brothers/Milton Bradley fare. Lots of Scrabble, Monopoly, Life, Uno, and Rummykub with my dad way back when.
Now, being married and having a 7 year old daughter who LOVES Zombies, Monsters, Dragons, as well as princesses and silly stuff, I have wanted to rekindle my gaming and share it with her. Having only been exposed to Magic: The Gathering outside of the standards prior to a year ago, I decided it was time to take the plunge and start giving other board/card/dice games a try. And I'm hooked!
I can sit down and do "Activity" games with my family, or get serious and into theme and story (with exception, I most definitely have a bent towards fantasy/horror themes).
Current favorites of mine (and my daughter) include: Elder Sign, Ticket to Ride, Zombies!, Zombie Dice, and Dicecapades.
Always looking to try new games and mechanics.
Upon original viewing of the game, I thought to myself, “WHAAATT? This CAN’T be that fun…”. I wrote it off for quite some time, thinking it just some kids “Flick and find the piece on the floor” game.
Flash forward a year or so, and I’m looking for a new game for the family to play, but one that won’t bore me to tears or feel “cheap” or have lack of strategy. I see Catacombs and all it’s expansions on sale at a favorite Online Game Store, and I decide to take the plunge.
Even while putting the stickers on the discs, I still wasn’t sure what to think about the game. Would it really be much of a dungeon crawl experience? Would it make me feel like I had choice, or is it going to just be some random, chaotic dexterity fest?
My daughter was immediately smitten with the game though, and wanted to try it. I left the expansions out, and set the base game up for us to try. THIS TURNED INTO THE BEST GAMING NIGHT MY DAUGHTER AND I HAVE HAD IN QUITE A LONG TIME.
One person plays the overlord, who controls all of the enemies and plays the role of “Merchant” and “Healer” when those rooms are entered. Enjoying role playing, I got into the roles of all and my daughter really had a blast with that.
Up to 4 other people play the “Heroes”. My daughter, being the only other player, played all 4 (Barbarian, Elf, Wizard, Thief). I thought this would be overwhelming for her at first, but she took to it with no problems whatsoever.
Although the main point of the game is essentially flicking discs (either your hero disc for a melee attack, or flicking a “Ranged attack” or spell disc for those appropriate attacks), you have some choices and strategy to consider. The Wizard, for instance, has one-time use spells, that they pull from their deck. Once the spell is used, it is discarded for the rest of the game. this gives some light decision making to the Wizard.
The heroes go first, flicking their discs as per turn order, then the Overlord flicks his minions around to counter-attack. There are 3 boards, each with 2 sides, so there is a small amount of variety in rooms (which all have circles cut out for disc to fit into for “bumpers”, usable for rebounding or hiding behind). Once all of the overlords minions are defeated, the heroes move onto another room (another board), and the overlord spawns new minions on the board as-per the room card description.
This makes for a very engrossing, active experience. Trying to flick the discs to rebound, hit 2 targets, or flick it lightly enough to land behind a bumper so as to avoid being targeted easily by your opponent, is great fun. But also, each unit in the game usually has an ability – stun the target on hit, spit a fireball, execute a melee attack followed by 2 ranged attacks, etc. Keeping track of all of that at first isn’t too bad, but I did miss a few of them here and there. Those add a LOT of variety to the game, and keep it interesting even when the room boards repeat themselves.
The object is for the heroes to move through all of the rooms, to the Overlord’s chamber and defeat the overlord. There are 4 Bosses/Overlords in the base game, and each varies in difficulty and abilities (and minions summoned). In between that, the heroes have an opportunity to visit a merchant room (where they can purchase new abilities for their characters), and a healer (to heal and/or resurrect wounded warriors). It really does feel like a typical dungeon crawl.
I bought all of the expansions out to date. Cavern of Soloth adds the most extra heroes and monsters, but the Hordes of Vermin one also adds some really small Vermin discs for the overlord to use. Both of those come with a slew of new room cards (0-2) and Cavern comes with new heroes and bosses. The other expansion is just room cards, but adds some flavor text/events that occur when players enter a room, which was a welcome addition for those who like to get into the experience.
The only thing missing, imo, is more game boards. the included ones get a bit repetitive while playing, although the amount of room variations and minion/monster types that can be deployed keep things interesting. I did email Sands of Time (the publisher) and asked about new game boards, and they kind of hinted that there might be an announcement about SOMETHING coming soon. One can only hope that there is more Catacombs goodness coming!
Don’t overlook this game because it seems like flicking and dungeon crawling can’t mix. They do, and they mix surprisingly well. This was one of the best gaming nights I’ve had with my daughter, and we look forward to playing again. My wife also expressed interest after hearing my daughter gush over the game, so it will be interesting to see how she likes it as well (I have a feeling she will enjoy it).
Highly recommended for that one “Pure Fun” game in your collection, but can also appeal to role playing/dungeon crawling fans that don’t mind a healthy heap of fun in their rpg.