gamer level 6
7624 xp
7624 xp
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Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »

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Gamer - Level 6
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
220 xp
220 xp
Explorer (lvl 3)
1119 xp
1119 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
233 xp
233 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
131 xp
131 xp
About Me
I used to spend a lot of time in the game store to play Magic, but one day, I raised my eyes and saw the tons of other games on the shelves, only waiting for me to try them. Challenge accepted !
Mr. Jack Pocket
Mr Jack Pocket is a clever little 2 player game. One player plays the investigation team, trying to find Jack the Ripper, while the other one is Jack and has to hide long enough to escape.
How the game plays is very interesting: in the beginning of odd turns you flip four coins that represent four different actions. The inspector chooses one, Jack takes two from the remaining three, and the inspector takes the last one. Then, on even turns, the coins are flipped over and four new different actions become available. It is now Jack who starts.
On my first games I found it very fun, but it quickly turned out that it was a lot more difficult for Jack to win, and we ended up tossing a coin to determine who would play the investigators.