Carcassonne: Winter Edition
Winter has arrived in the beautiful Carcassonne region, but it does not seem to change the spirits of the local population. Players still build the area surrounding this impressive city, one tile at a time by placing a follower on fields, cities, roads or monasteries. These followers will become knights, monks, farmers and thieves, depending on where they are placed.
The local animals are here to keep the followers company while they build. You can also enlist the help of the Gingerbread Man who will help you through the cold winter if you use him wisely.
Carcassonne: Winter Edition brings snow to the familiar Carcassonne setting, with knights still patrolling the cities, farmers still trying to feed the nation, and highwaymen who even travel on roads behind the city walls. Carcassonne: Winter Edition, which plays the same as the Carcassonne base game, includes the same 72 tiles as Carcassonne in addition to twelve new basic tiles. The Z-Man English edition includes the Gingerbread Man Expansion.
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Full disclosure – I’m a big Carcassonne fan. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s the game that sucked me into gaming in the first place or because the game is just that good. For whatever reason, a game or two of Carcassonne always fits the bill and everyone around the table, regardless of gaming experience, always enjoy how easy the game is to pick up while offering some good “depth”, all in a package that plays in less than an hour.
The Winter Edition of the game doesn’t really change that much (well, really anything) with the base game play but what I enjoyed were the updated graphics (the individual ties with various critters is a very nice touch) and just the overall theme of the game which made it a perfect fit for our gaming group’s Christmas party the other night. The Gingerbread Man expansion is a nice touch as well and like many of the other Carcassonne expansions just gives a little twist to the formula with a gingerbread man meeple who scores a few extra points for people on castles he’s currently visiting when one of the special gingerbread man tiles is drawn. Very festive!
All in all, this is just a re-theme of the classic Carcassonne game and if you already have it in your collection you probably don’t really need this one, but if you are a fan like myself it’s a very nice edition to pull out over the holidays.
One thing I should note is that one of our gaming group pointed out that this version is very colourblind-friendly. His brother-in-law can’t distinguish the features on the original version but with the contrast of the snow on the tiles in this one it’s a version he can play and enjoy!
Now if we can figure out exactly what those farmers are actually farming in the snow!