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Sentinels of the Multiverse
Legacy is a great character. He can be a hard hitter if necessary but is usually better as support. Try to position him first in your group. Galvanize is an amazing power and should be used every turn without fail. The Amount of damage adding galvanize can do is incredible. Paired with hit all targets for one (e.g Tachyons hypersonic assault) this can be a way to quickly take out large groups. Even on a single target, Galvanize will double Fanatics innate power.
Inspiring presence is also a must, that 2 to every target is now three and suddenly Voss and Dawns minions aren’t a problem.
If you can get a Legacy ring and Motivational charge in play as well you’ll start to wonder if losing is even possible, no matter which other heroes are in your team.
If you know there’s a big hit coming up, cards like heroic interception will save your heroes.
Lead from the front depends on your play style, I like to use it to keep low HP hero targets (Unity’s bots) in play longer.
And if you have all the support cards in play and time to kill, Legacy can do a decent amount of damage with his one shots as well.