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Run for Your Life, Candyman!
As a child, it was safe to say I was a fan of Eleanor Abbott’s 1949 classic, Candy Land. In fact, if pressed on ways to improve the game, I could really only offer two nearly identical suggestions: death and dismemberment. Enter Run For Your Life, Candyman.
If rating a game on enjoyment resulting directly from the pain of others, you’d be hard pressed to find a better game. With the obvious exception of Duck, Duck, Goose if played properly.
A typical conversation in the Magik household (with falsified identities, of course):
Xander – “You rolled a double gum drop. You could saunter right on past and put yourself in a great position to win”
Willow – “Yes… or I could double back and take that last arm of yours.”
Xander – “But this arm is all I have left… what kind of person…”
Giles (interrupting) – “Odds aren’t in your favor, but I’d give it a shot. That arm would look real nice on your mantle.”
Anya – “The games consists simply of cardboard characters, a deck of cards, your personal character sheet, and a game board. Where did you get this mantle you speak of?”
Giles – “Not now. You’re not even playing this game with us. And I resent the way you end sentences in prepositions and insist on the somewhat pretentious use of the Oxford comma.”
Anya – “How could you possibly know where I place my commas? This is a spoken conversation.”
Willow – “Guys, while you were arguing, I totally took his arm. He’s currently dying a painful, bloody death.”
It is nearing party game perfection. Eleanor Abbott, they have done you proud.