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Gamer - Level 4
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
190 xp
190 xp
Explorer (lvl 2)
615 xp
615 xp
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120 xp
About Me
I play and design games! I currently have one published title: Villainous Vikings from Victory Point Games.
A Touch of Evil
– Flying Frog does theme really, really well. This game is no exception.
– The components are absolutely top notch.
– All Flying Frog games have vague/fiddly rules. This one, however, is probably the worst offender.
Overall Impression:
All Flying Frog games suffer from vague/fiddly mechanics, but this one suffers from it especially bad. It’s nigh impossible to track all of the effects in play at any given time. My group is experienced with the game and with complex games in general, and we can’t play with the Advanced rules because it is just too much.
With that out of the way, though, I love this game for the same reason I love all of Flying Frog’s games: the theme is amazing. It takes some SERIOUS effort to get into this one, but if you can tough it out, you can get an awesome gaming experience out of it.